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With the first book now over, I feel it's about time to give some insight into my thoughts and the elements of the story! This chapter will cover:

-Tarot card explanations

-Found clues


-Basic explanation of the paths (It looks like the other options of this story will be discovered in a oneshot book so I don't want to spoil things in detail!)

-Chapter title explanations

-Easter eggs

-General trivia


-End of story stats

Additionally, I'd be more than willing to answer your own questions so go ahead and drop them here if there are any. Now on with the tarot card explanations!

You've found quite a few of my dear tarot cards, good job! Any idea on who hid them all throughout the Hackett woods? Not like it matters, of course. I'm sure you'd like to get some sort of explanation for your troubles though so here are the meanings of every tarot card found:

Queen of Swords

(Y/N) examines a pocket knife on a table and decides to take it with them.

Alright so this one already happened in the story and as you've seen, the knife's been very useful. There were many more places to use it though, you just didn't end up getting those opportunities.

Knight of Pentacles

(Y/N) holds their breath as they hide pushed up against a wall in the lodge, a man searching for them in the background.

Also happened in the story when (Y/N) and Kaitlyn hid from Bobby. Nothing else to it really.

King of Cups

Nick calls out to (Y/N) in the woods and finds them in a clearing.

This tarot alludes to what would've happened if you'd ran off on your own after the kiss. Nick would've followed and everything would've spiralled on from that point. I'm presuming you can guess what would've happened.

The Tower

(Y/N) falls down from a tree and lays limply as some sort of monster mauls them.

During a chase scene in the woods or on the island, you would've received the choice of climbing up a tree but your grip would've given out and caused you to fall down. Dodged a bullet with this one, I'm sure that wouldn't have been pleasant to endure...

Ace of Swords

(Y/N) places their hand down and uses a knife to sever their finger from their hand.

There seemed to be quite a bit of confusion about this one. A lot of people seemed to think this would've happened if you fixed the wire in the radio hut but that only lead to getting bit on the hand. This, on the other hand, would've occurred if you'd gone to find Jacob and Emma after Laura arrived. A werewolf chase would've begun and it would've been possible to both get bit and die. If you still had the knife at this point and got bit, with Laura's warning in mind, you would've had the option of cutting your finger off. Without it...Well, that's a different story entirely.

The Moon

(Y/N) pulls open a door, screams and slams the door shut as they return into the building they came from.

This would've occurred if (Y/N) had went to the radio hut with Ryan and Dylan instead of staying in the lodge to check on Nick when first given the option. After the radio call was made, you'd open the door and the scene would play out like this upon seeing Silas approaching.

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