01 | Project of the Month

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You were tired

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You were tired.

Coming back from winter break, you were already exhausted and wished that it was the holidays again. At least you didn't have to take another set of exams.

The science teacher began writing indistinguishable words onto the chalkboard, "This month we will be focusing on astronomy. I will be pairing you all in groups of two based on your assigned seats"

You flinched, covering your ears from the irritating sound of scratching on the board and the irritating sound of the teacher's nasal voice in general. 

The seat next to you lied untouched and empty until a certain dark-haired boy opened the door with a loud thud. He wore a black hoodie with black pants, silver rings adorning each of his fingers on each hand.

You stared at him in shock amongst all your classmates as he dragged a chair to your desk with a deep sigh. Realizing he was going to be your partner, you introduced yourself.

"Hi! My name is Y/n L/n!"

He only took a glance at you and resumed at listening to the teacher.

"Hey! I was talking to you, what the heck?" You pouted in frustration. You finally talked for the first time today and he completely ignored you.

In fact, after saying that he grabbed his pair of headphones and turned to the other direction. What a jackass! You thought. You could only narrow your eyes and pretend it didn't bother you whatsoever until the period was over.


During lunch, it seemed the usual. You, Ayaka and Yoimiya, your childhood besties, sitting together on a bench eating the set of bentos you all packed.

You had met them on your very first day of highschool- and soon became inseparable. They had all moved on from their past schools. You? Not so much.

"I can'f belief we're aw in sepawate classes" Yoimiya chewed between words, "Its like the teacher wants to ruin our fun moments!"

Ayaka snickered, "By 'fun moments' do you mean blowing up science projects because you think your experiments will help your fireworks get better?"

"Hey! That was only one time!" Yoimiya frowned.

As they bickered on about old times, you zoned out. You thought about that guy in your science class, had you seen them from somewhere before? You thought to yourself.

One of Yoimiya's friends ran up to your table and talked about someone from a certain boy band, 4NEMO, and how apparently one of them is in your year group.

You couldn't care less, sipping on your strawberry milk generously given by one of your other friends, Thoma.

"I wonder what class he's in! Whoever's in his class must be super lucky!" The girl beamed.

Your thoughts were interrupted when a small ping came from your bag. When you opened it you found a message from an unknown number from your phone. Deciding to open it, you read the message.


This is Xiao from your class. Can you do our month's work for me?

Sorry who's Xiao? Also wym wtf???

...You don't know me?

I'm... your science partner

You widened your eyes from his text. The jackass! Wait, how did he get my phone number? Actually wait, what was his question again? You thought

Okay wait

So you're telling me you're not going to do any of the science work💀

Give me a reason why I wont fail our presentation rn

Look I would do it if I wasnt so busy

Doing my part time job

And what is that part time job?

Cant tell


I need to pass this I already have to skip school sm
Let's just work together on the weekends alr?

Hesitantly, you type

Fine 😐
But you better do the actual work too you emo boy😐

You closed your phone as the bell rung just in time for your next period. Packing your bento away, you wondered: why did that guy's name sound so familiar?

 Packing your bento away, you wondered: why did that guy's name sound so familiar?

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😭😭😭 Literally nothing interesting going on,, I have no clue how to start fics oh well

Promise it's only going to get better from here on out

clueless ♡ xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now