07 | Suspect?

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A familiar blonde-haired girl sat in front of you. You noticed how young and innocent she looked compared to what.. she was before the incident. Before she became prideful and arrogant.

You scanned the surroundings to find that you were in your parent's old house, fire crackling and popping as the wood turned crisp in your fireplace.


"You remember when Rostam said that I should study abroad, right?"

You took a deep breath, "Yes... I remember.." 

Frequent dreams such as these were more of memories than wishes to you, maybe even nightmares to the common eye. It was as if your own thoughts taunted you, guilt welling up from the throat and mind.

"Well... I applied for Sumeru college of music and arts and I got accepted!" She jumped up and uncontrollably danced around, "Can you believe that?" 

Rosalyne had held her acceptance letter in one hand up in the air. You only smiled in defeat and welcomed your dream.


She clasped your hands together, eye searching yours for assurance, "I'm still going to be able to visit you, right? We're still going to video call each other every night though, right?"

"Of course we are, Rosalyne" You shakily sighed as she pulled you in for a tight embrace. You wanted so desperately to believe this was reality. You could feel her touch, the warmth of her body gradually turning colder and colder.

"Y/n..." her body became limp and unresponsive. You pulled back from her clutch in horror, body tense and frozen from the situation. Dark blood trickled down from her forehead as her dull eyes pierced your helpless face. Her face was growing to be paler and paler by the second, and you wanted to throw up at the sight of it.

You trembled in fear and confusion. You wanted to run away, you wanted to crawl and hide and pretend that it was all okay.

"I- I'm sorry..!" You attempted to crawl backwards, but as your arms tried to protect your face, Rosalyne had grabbed hold of your wrist with a unnervingly firm grip. You felt a bruise forming and you couldn't help but wince from the pain.

"You didn't even want to save me, did you?"

"No! I-" A lump had blocked your throat, "I-It's not my fault!"

The young girl gave a strained laugh. She brushed your cheek with her thumb.

"Not your fault? Let's face it, you wanted me to die. You wanted me to finally be rid of from your life" She grinned, "This was your fault. If you hadn't brought me here.. I would've guessed you plotted this whole thing to kill me.. If I was still alive"

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