the dementor|| I

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Chapter one
"the dementor"


Arabella hated summer. Summer was a marking point of her years ending. To Arabella, it was as if her years started on September 1st. Summer was just a chore to her at this point.

"Arabella, you're gonna be late for work," said Mr. Grove sternly. Arabella hated the man. Mr. Grove was a very large man, his clammy hands were almost the size of the thirteen-year-olds face.

Arabella sat up from her bed, which was more of a mattress on the floor. She had been awake since half past five but had been staring at the ceiling. The girl hated when he would come into her room. But, this room will never be her room anymore. Her room was at Hogwarts. Her sanctuary and place where she does homework or hangs out with Hermione.

The girl got ready for the day, then headed out before she was late.

As the girl slipped into a building she could feel a strike of hunger in her stomach and regretted not grabbing breakfast.

"Table 3 needs cleaned,"

Ara grabbed the soap and a washcloth for the table. As soon as she started to wipe down the table a voice came from behind her. "Arabella?"

The girl turned around to see a tall, brunette boy. "Can I help you?" Said Arabella. She didn't ask how he knew her name and just assumed someone told him.

"It's me Kevin Entwhistle," He scratched his neck awkwardly. Arabella, still confused, continued to wipe down the table. "Alright," She didn't know what else to say.

"You're Snape's daughter, right?" He asked. Those four words made her brain click. "Oh, you're the Ravenclaw that spilled juice all over my robes last year." She recalled.

"I'm still sorry about that," The boy laughed.

Ara could tell he would be good company over the summer.


As soon as Arabella got back to her mother's house she wrote to Hermione.

"Mione, you won't believe it. Do you remember Kevin Entwhistle? Well, he started working at the same job I work at. He's a great company and it's nice to talk to someone I know. I can't believe I didn't talk to him before. I miss you terribly. Do you know if Harry is alright? Hedwig showed up today with a letter asking for me to keep her for now. Anyway, I hope France is fun. Make sure to take pictures!

Love, Ara"

Ara tied the note to Hedwig who had randomly shown up at her house that day. "Here you go," Ara pet the bird as she put a scoop of treats out for her. She was confused as to why Harry needed her to keep Hedwig but assumed it was for a good reason.

Ara hoped that she and Kevin would become friends over the summer so she was less lonely.


Ara put on her shoes quickly before her mother said anything about her lack of time efficiency.

"Your bags packed?" Her mother asked. The woman was short but lanky and petite. Ara nodded at her mother.

"Your father sent you money to stay in Diagon Alley. He's instructed you not to wander or leave." Ara's mother said as they started driving.

Once they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron Ara grabbed her trunk from the back of her mother's car. She could see the woman staring at the building in confusion. Ara wondered if she was able to see it."Bye, mu-" Ara was cut off by her mother speeding away. "Bit dramatic," Ara mumbled to herself.

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