treacle tart and hippogriffs || II

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Chapter two
"treacle tart and hippogriffs"

"Bells, you're trying out for chaser this year, aren't you?" George plopped right next to Ara. "George, I can't even ride a broom."

Harry stifled a laugh. Arabella glared at him and nudged him in the ribs.

Throughout the dinner, Ara's eyes would wander toward the Ravenclaw table. Whenever Kevin would look up at her she'd smile, but the boy just looked away and continued talking to his friends.

"I'm sure he's just busy." Harry placed his hand on Ara's hand, which was dead gripping the bench. "Yeah," She agreed.

Harry pushed a plate of treacle tart toward her. The girl smiled at him and ate the treat.

"Potter, is it true you fainted? I mean, actually fainted?" Draco Malfoy sneered from the Slytherin table.  "Shove off, Malfoy," Ron sent him a hand motion he wouldn't dare do in front of his mother.

"How did he find out?" said Harry with a gloomy look. "Just forget about it," said  Hermione and Ara, making the four of them laugh at the synchronization.

Once the feast was over, Ara tried to catch Kevin on his way out. "Hey, Kev, wait up!" Ara called. The boy, once again, ignored her.

Ara stood there very confused. Why was he ignoring her? Did she do something?

"Ara, let's go," Ron grabbed Ara's wrist. "He's ignoring me," said ara sadly. "Who?" Ron questioned.

"Doesn't matter," Ara started walking through the corridors with her friends.

"Snape!" There was a voice calling from behind her. "You're trying out for quidditch, aren't you?" Oliver Wood asked. He looked at her pleading. "Pft, Snape?" They could all hear Draco laugh. "bet she can't ride a broom,"

Ara looked at the Slytherin boy, who had been laughing at his joke, in disbelief.

"Wood, I'll be there." Ara nodded. Oliver left the quartet and walked over to the other quidditch players to talk about tryouts and the new season.

"But, Ara, you've never ridden a broom." Hermione shook her head.

"Harry'll teach her," Ron offered. Harry whipped his head at Ron, but his face softened at the idea. It could help the Gryffindor team if he helped her. Plus, she's his best friend.

"Oh, please, Har-" "Alright," Harry interrupted. The girl smiled and wrapped her arms around Harry's neck.


When Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ara entered the Great Hall for breakfast the next day, they first saw Draco Malfoy, who seemed to be entertaining a large group of Slytherins with a very funny story. As they passed, Malfoy did a ridiculous impression of a swooning fit and there was a roar of laughter.

"Ignore him," said Hermione. "Just ignore him, it's not worth it..."

"Hey, Potter!" shrieked Pansy Parkinson. "Potter! The Dementors are coming, Potter! Woooooooooo!"

Ara rolled her eyes and sat down next to Harry and Fred.

"New third-year course schedules," said George, passing them, over. "What's up with you, Harry?"

"Malfoy," said Ron. George looked up in time to see Malfoy pretending to faint with terror again.

"That little git," he said calmly. "He wasn't so cocky last night when the Dementors were down at our end of the train. Came running into our compartment, didn't he, Fred?"

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