Halloween || V

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Chapter five

On Halloween morning, Ara had to listen to Hermione talk about Hogsmeade. It was all the curly-haired girl could think about.

"I'll bring you back all the sour candy I can find," she promised.

Ara and Hermione were at breakfast when Ron and Harry sat next to them. Harry looked just as gloomy as Ara.

They accompanied Ron and Hermione to the entrance hall, where Filch, the caretaker, was standing inside the front doors, checking off names against a long list, peering suspiciously into every face, and making sure that no one was sneaking out who shouldn't be going.

"Staying here, Potter, Snape?" shouted Malfoy, who was standing in line with Crabbe and Goyle. "Scared of the dementors?"

They ignored him and made solitary way up the marble staircase, through the deserted corridors, and back to Gryffindor Tower. The two walked in silence.

"Password?" said the Fat Lady, jerking out of a doze. "Fortuna Major," said Harry listlessly.

The portrait swung open and he climbed through the hole into the common room. It was full of chattering first and second years, and a few older students, who had obviously visited Hogsmeade so often the novelty had worn off

"Harry! Ara! Hi, Harry!"

It was Colin Creevey, a second year who was deeply in awe of Harry and never missed an opportunity to speak to him.

"Aren't you going to Hogsmeade? Why not? Hey" -- Colin looked eagerly around at his friends -- "you can come and sit with us, if you like!"

"Er -- no, thanks, Colin," said Harry. "W- We've got to go to the library, got to get some work done."

"What was the point waking me up?" the Fat Lady called grumpily after him as he walked away.

"Harry, are you alright?"
"That doesn't sound fine."
"I said I'm fine, Ara."

Ara rolled her eyes at him but didn't question it again. He was annoyed that he couldn't go to Hogsmeade but forgot he has a friend to still hang out with.

"Harry, Ara?"
They doubled back to see who had spoken and met Professor Lupin, looking around his office door, where they had wandered off.

"What are you doing?" said Lupin, though in a very different voice from Filch. "Where are Ron and Hermione?"

"Hogsmeade," said Harry, in a would-be casual voice.

"Ah," said Lupin. "Why don't you come in? I've just taken delivery of a grindylow for our next lesson." "A
what?" said Ara.

They followed Lupin into his office. In the corner stood a very large tank of water. A sickly green creature with sharp little horns had its face pressed against the glass, pulling faces and flexing its long, spindly fingers.

"Water demon," said Lupin, surveying the grindylow thoughtfully. "We shouldn't have much difficulty with him, not after the kappas. The trick is to break his grip. You notice the abnormally long fingers? Strong, but very brittle."

The grindylow bared its green teeth and then buried itself in a tangle of weeds in a corner.

"Cup of tea?" Lupin said, looking around for his kettle. "I was just thinking of making one."

"All right," said Harry awkwardly. Ara nudged him, and Harry gave her a look that said 'what?'

Lupin tapped the kettle with his wand and a blast of steam issued suddenly from the spout.

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