Never Have I Ever

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Authors: Lexy and Whynnter

Prompt: You and the gang take a vacation and you're afraid Hangman is upset with you.


The snow was starting to pick up when Rooster parked the Bronco in the driveway of our rental cabin. Hangman, Phoenix, Coyote, Rooster, and I had just gotten back from a long day on the slopes. We all exited the car and walked around to the back, grabbing our gear from the trunk.

I stayed towards the back and waited for the others to grab their board and boots. When it was just Hangman and I, I stepped to the side so that he could grab his equipment. He held his hand out, gesturing for me to go first. I grabbed my boots that were tied together, and threw them over my shoulder, freeing up my hands to carry my equipment.

"Thanks," I said to Jake.

Jake didn't say anything as he pulled his board and boots out of the car. I waited for him to close the trunk and walked besides him to the porch. It was unlike him to not say anything- he was rarely speechless.

He placed his hand on the doorknob, but I reached out to stop him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"You just seem like your annoyed or something."

He shook his head, "Nope, I'm fine!"

I nodded at him and let him enter the house. I had always had feelings for Jake, but I was never able to admit them to him. Maybe that was best, seeing as lately he seemed to be nothing but annoyed by me.

Coyote had just started a fire in the oversized living room as I walked into the house. Phoenix and Rooster were already seated on the large couch, fighting over who got to pick what we would watch. Jake sat down on the far end, almost like he was trying to sit as far from me as possible.

"We should play a game," Phoenix said, reaching for the remote one last time from Rooster and winning.

"Truth or dare?" Rooster suggested.

"We're not twelve," Phoenix whined. "What about never have I ever?"

I shoved Rooster to the side and squeezed in between him and Phoenix, "Oh, let's play never have I ever!"

"I'll start!" Coyote yelled, handing out beers before he sat down beside Jake. "Never have I ever flown below the hard deck in an exercise!"

"Jake put a finger down!" I yelled, and turned to Rooster who had just put a finger down, "You guys just love living life on the edge, huh?"

"You bet," Rooster said, placing his hand on my thigh.

I unintentionally looked up at Jake whose eyes focused on Rooster's hand. He quickly looked away once he saw that I noticed.

"Alright, who's next?" Coyote asked, glancing around at everyone.

"I'll go!" I said, resting my head on Phoenix's shoulder. "Never have I ever gotten kicked out of a bar for hitting on the married owner."

Everyone laughed and Jake sat up. "That isn't fair! You can't target people, Y/N."

"Too bad, I just did," I said, sticking my tongue at him, "put another finger down!"

I took a sip of my beer and smiled at him, he smiled back. He was still acting weird, but I'd confront him about it later.

Phoenix leaned forward and placed her beer on the floor, "My turn! Never have I ever, had sex with someone in this room."

Rooster and I looked at eachother and I turned to Phoenix, "Thanks, Phoenix."

Rooster and I both put a finger down at the same time. I glanced over at Jake and saw the scowl on his face as he watched Rooster and I.

"When the hell did that happen?" Coyote asked, taking a sip of his beer.

I shook my head, "It was one time a few months ago, and we were drunk. It was no big deal, right?" I said, elbowing Rooster.

"Yeah, it was nothing, just a random drunk night," he said.

I leaned back into the couch and looked over again at Jake. He was looking down at his phone, ignoring the conversation that was going on between Coyote, Rooster, and Phoenix.

All of a sudden he stood up and walked toward the stairs to the bedrooms.

"Guys, I'm going to take a dip in the hot tub. I'm a little sore from the slopes today."

Everyone looked up at him and waved goodbye. I stared at him as he climbed the stairs, sad that he was leaving so soon. At that moment I wondered to myself, was he jealous of me and Rooster? He had never made any indication that he was interested in me before, but why else would he be acting this way?

A few minutes later, Jake came back down the steps wearing his bathing suit. I found myself staring at his toned body as he walked past us and out the back door. This would be the best time to confront him, when he is alone, and has nowhere to run to.

I excused myself from the others and went upstairs to change into my suit. Before leaving my room, I glanced at myself in the mirror to make sure that I looked presentable. I grabbed the white robe from behind my door and headed outside.

Jake noticed me as I walked around the hedge. He smiled and raised a hand to help me in.

"Thanks," I said, dropping the robe and grabbing his hand. "You seem a little off today, are you sure you're okay?"

Jake nodded as I sat down in the seat across from him. The water was warmer than I expected but it felt good on my skin. My foot brushed against his leg and I quickly pulled it away.

"Look, Y/N. I'm sorry if I've been acting weird. I really care about you, and I wouldn't want to push you away."

I smiled at him, "It's okay. I just thought you might be upset with me about something. You seemed mad when Phoenix said something about Rooster and I. Which, I guess you have a right to be mad since I didn't tell you."

Jake was quiet for a moment and I thought he wasn't going to say anything. He ran his fingers through his blonde hair and said, "I just don't think Rooster is good enough for you."

I looked at him hopefully, "What do you mean? Is there someone in mind that you think is good enough for me?"

"I just think that you can do better. He wouldn't treat you the way that you deserve. I would treat you better."

"Would you treat me better?"

"Yes," he answered, reaching out to grab my hand.

I placed my hand in his and he slowly pulled me towards him. I gently moved onto his lap so I was straddling him, and I couldn't help but smile at the adorable look he had on his face.

"You deserve the world, and I would give it to you," he whispered.

I placed my hands on his shoulders as he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. My chest was pressed against his as I stared into his green eyes. He closed the small gap between us and pressed his soft lips to mine. He pulled away for a brief moment in fear, but I quickly reassured him this was what I wanted and pressed my lips to his. The kiss was eager, desperate. We had both been wanting this for so long, it was obvious.

His hand moved along my side, causing goosebumps despite the hot water. I gently rocked my hips against his as his hand moved to my bathing suit top.

He pulled away once again and whispered, "I want all of you tonight."

My hand moved to his cheek and I smiled, "You can have me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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