crush part 1/eddie munson

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it was a friday morning. i woke up to the sun burning my eyes as i looked to my side, and see steve harrington still sleeping. he's my boyfriend. well, i'm not that sure about that though...we had a fight last night about some stupid thing again.

basically, yesterday i was studying with steve in my room, and we heard a knock on my window. as i walked over there, i opened my window to the view of eddie munson. I didn't see him before i opened it, because it was dark.
"hey y/n" eddie said as he looked at me with his biggest smile.
"hey" i said. that smile faded so fastly after he saw steve coming up to behind me.
"what do you want, munson?" steve asked.
"sorry, if i interrupted anything, but i really need to talk to you." Eddie told me looking. concerned.
"about what?" steve asked.
"steve" i said upset.
"fine" steve said as i let eddie in. "what is it?" i asked him as he looked at steve, then looked right back at me.
"can we talk in private? please?" steve was looking at eddie like he was about to kill him.
"2 minutes steve. everything's going to be okay, i promise" i told him as i looked in his eyes. i cupped his cheek as he walked out of the room looking at eddie the whole way, as he slammed the door behind him.

"so.. what do you want to talk about?" i ask him.
"there's something i've been wanting to tell you." eddie said as he hesitated to continue.
"eddie.." i sighed under my nose as he held my hand. this cannot be happening.
"i'm falling in love with you, y/n. by each day, by each minute i spend with you, it just makes more sense. and i just hate seeing you with that asshole." he squeezed my hand hardver that ever as he pointed at the door.

"he doesn't deserve your sweetness, your beautiness inside and out. you're so perfect, y/n. you deserve such a better boyfriend, who cares about you, tells you how beautiful, perfect you are everyday and who appreciates you" eddie said looking into my eyes while he still hele my hands.
"eddie, look.." i said, but before i could finish the sentence, he pulled me in a kiss by my waist. his sweet lips were nothing compared to steve's, which felt like a crime but i couldn't resist. i kissed him back as the door swung wide open. steve watched as i seperated my lips and hands from eddie's soft and light-pale skin.

steve ran to us, his face red like a velvet as he grabbed eddie by the neck of his shirt
"how dare you come here and touch her! i'll teach you a lesson, munson. how to stay the fuck away from what belong to me" he pushed eddie to the ground as he climbed ontop of him. "steve, please don't! it wasn't like that! let me explain, please!" i yelled, but what i said didn't matter, steve had punched eddie in the face so hard that he instantly started bleeding. i tried to stop him, but he pushed me away like i was nothing.
"you touch my girl again, and i'll kill you. got it?" steve said as he kept on beating him closely to death.

"what's this noise, y/n?" a womans voice rang from downstairs and closing footsteps rumbled on the floor. steve stopped beating eddie for a second as eds sighed out.
"what is going on in here?" my mother asked as she got upstairs.

"nothing, mom. they're about to go anyways" i answered. they both stood up, eddie covered in blood and fresh bruises.
"sweetheart, that boy is bleeding! what is your name, honey?" she asked eddie as she got closer to him.
"eddie" he answered, pain and agony filling his voice.
"god, what happened in here?" she asked again as she looked at steves bloody fist.
"your daughter can tell you better, i suppose" he answered obnoxiously.
before anyone could say a thing, he walked up to the door, and said his goodbye.
"what about your hand?" my mom yelled after steve. as his answer, he slammed the door behind him. i looked at eddie, who was smiling at me through his painful look.

"so, what happened with steve?" my mother asked me as she helped eddie with his wounds. before i could say anything, eddie cut me off
"i kissed her and steve just freaked out" he said smirking.
"eddie!" i yelled.
"what? you kissed her?" my mother was too amused by the news to be true. both of my parents hated steve for the matter of fact that we were always fighting.

we were talking about this for a while, then eddie decided to leave.
later, i called steve to explain myself to him.

"what was that? were you about to fuck him?"
"steve you are crazy! just let me explain what happened." i said as my heart was racing.
"you have a minute, y/n. or i'll hang up and we're done" steve said with with anger filled voice.
"he told me that he has a crush on me, and that you don't deserve me and then before i could've say anything, he kissed me" i said as i sighed out.
"so i'm supposed to believe this shit? his tounge was in your mouth and you're telling me, that it's not what it looks like? i'm not blind, y/n!" he said with disgust in his voice. i couldn't say anything. i opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out.

maybe he was right. maybe i liked the kiss. i'm surprised he was still able to sleep in one bed with me. he just had a fight with his family and i promised him that he could sleep at my house earlier. so, when we were both showered, he turned away from me to the wall and fell asleep. i just watched him while he was sleeping. i couldn't sleep, i was thinking all night. i might be falling for eddie munson.

the next morning, i was awake, but i didn't open my eyes yet. i rested my eyes for a while, when suddenly i felt eyes on me. i opened my eyes to look at him, and the moment i look over to him, he closed his eyes. i was about to say something, when i heard the phone ring. i went over to the phone, as i felt eyes on my back. i ignored it and picked up the phone.
"hi y/n, it's nancy! would you and steve like to come to lovers lake? we're having a sort of friends gathering tonight!" she asked.
"hey, Nance! of course!" i answered.
"okay, be there with steve at bye!" she said as she hung up.
"what did she say?" steve asked as i turned back to him.
"she asked if we'd like to go to lovers lake with her and i don't know who, probably robin. are we going?" we haven't been hanging out with nancy or robin for a long time now.
"if it's just nancy and robin, then okay." steve said as i answered
"okay then". he's clearly still really pissed off, which i understood.

we were ready to go, steve grabbed his keys and we got into his car, he started it and drove off. when we got to lovers lake, they weren't there, so me and steve sat in the grass. he sat in front of me.
"i can't believe you actually think that i could leave you for him." i said starting the conversation.
"because you would. admit it. you're in love with him. you seemed to enjoy it more than our kisses" steve said. "maybe he is a good kisser. and probably is a great fuck-" i said knowing this would make his jealousy torture him. thinking about how he treated me lately, he deserved it. "but i don't think it will happen" i finished.

in a couple minutes, nancy arrived with robin. they walked over to us as nancy waved to me. she had a big bag in her hand.
"hey nance" i got up from the ground as i greeted her. i'm so glad they came, breaking the awkward silence between me and steve.
"hey y/n!" robin said as i waved to her. i was happy, until i saw who else was with them. it was eddie. my smile faded as i saw the bruises on his face from yesterday. i was truly scared now. what if steve hits him again? what if he won't stop this time? i felt bad for eddie, but he shouldn't have kissed me yesterday knowing i have a boyfriend waiting for me outside of my door.
"what the fuck is he doing here?" steve asked as he stood up from the grass too. eddie looked at me, greeting me with a smile only for that to fade away right when he looked at my boyfriend.
"what happened here?" robin asked as she looked at eddie, steve, then at me confused. eddie was about to say something, but steve interrupted him saying
"nothing". nancy and robin looked at eachother confused, then nancy said "okay, then let's play something" as she pulled out a giant blanket from her bag, and we helped her placing it on the grass. we comfortably sat down on it in a circle.
on my left side, there was nancy, and on the right, there was steve.
"how about.. spin the bottle?" robin asked as she pulled out a beer glass out of nancy's bag.
"but we can't play on the blanket, idiot" steve said without a single sign of feelings. robin got up and suddenly ran somewhere.
"where the hell is she going?" i asked as i laughed. i felt both eddie's and steve's eyes on me. fuck.
"just wait" nance said as she laughed too. robin came back with an empty pizza box she probably found in the car.
"genious" i said as i smiled at her. she put the box in the middle of our circle, and we started the game.

eddie munson and steve harrington smutWhere stories live. Discover now