How we Forget

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We forgot some kids' utopias is a roof without bodies burning below

We forgot bodies sleep below

We forgot bodies float, bodies hang, lives we claim

We forgot we walk by some kids' utopias everyday

I forgot the colour of my blood, the strength of my words

I forgot how my house is a house to me, but a home most people wish they had

I forgot the beliefs I was raised upon inside last summer's fashion purse

Lost it in a closet of clothes I will never wear more than once

I forgot my dignity and sold it to fit in with the crowd

I forgot I lost my dignity to a mouth of lies

We forgot war is pain, war is malicious

We forgot we are using it to prove a point

We forgot deaths

They forgot if we had a point

And I forgot it doesn't help us

But they didn't forget the colour of my skin or the shape of my nose

But they can't recall if I had two parents, the number of books at home

As sure as hell, they don't remember the life I had in my eyes before I understood what privilege was

We forgot perfection is a mirage

The unachievable vision of someone's mind blinded of real beauty

We forgot they tell us what's beauty

They forgot I make them role models

They forgot I starve, I measure, I obsess

I forgot I'm loved

I forgot I'm beautiful

I forgot I had a brain with a mind of its own

I know you don't need glasses

But you insist on wearing them because these days

Having a disadvantage makes you cool

Being genetics underdog who strives makes you interesting

Having a personality means nothing if you can't read it on a t-shirt

In the middle of labels, we forgot ourselves in a society stocking us on shelves we don't belong

When did they decide I was nothing more than a sheep?
Did I forget to prove myself to them?

To attend the trial? Or did they forget to invite me?

They say

"Listen, obey, walk, stop

You're asking too many questions already

I don't know your name

I don't know your story

But I don't go with your face

To the back of the line"

Of this march we don't remember signing up for

Where are the terms and conditions?

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