♡ Grunge Coquette ♡

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      » [smells like teen spirit-Nirvana] «
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Now for the coquettes that don't wear pink and bright colors. Now I will admit I used to be OBSESSED with the grunge aesthetic. And then my aesthetic changed obvi. But this coquette has a special place in my heart. ♡ I've separated the mood board and fashion this time cause I got so many cute pictures and I just got so excited!!!

Icon: mathilda from Leon the professional

Who is she?
The teenage dream in a different way. She is the Rebel girl, thirteen and Leon the professional are her favorite films. She lives her life and has fun she doesn't give a fuck about what people think. She definitely tries to seem tough but she does have a soft side. She's loves the color black and y2k fashion. Probs listens to deftones.

Aesthetic behavior:
-flipping off assholes and standing up for herself
-partying with her friends
-probably dating a guy thats just as carefree as she is
-and probably into older guys that are all tough and mysterious and shit
-listening to her music and going to concerts
-sneaking out
-taking the most aesthetic pictures
-a feminist
-a diy and thrift store queen
-tough and hard to get but is actually soft
-curses like a sailor
-tries her best to seem mature

Aesthetic activities:
-getting her tongue pierced
-stick poking tattoos on herself
-hanging out at the record shop
-doing her makeup only to cry it all off
-probably has her own band

Where to shop:
-thrift store
-tilly's (skater store where I live, they have cute stuff)
Hot topic (corny but you can get good graphic tees, and accessories like chokers and fishnets there)

Mood board:

Mood board:

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Diary of a black coquette ♡Where stories live. Discover now