♡ Being Black Coquette ♡

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Serious topic today. And doesn't only have to be coquette. Black girls that overall don't fit "the stereotype". My whole life I have been called "white" or people have said I "act white" and that I like "white boys". All because I like these type of aesthetic and because I grew up in the suburbs.

Which is fucked up. Why can't black girls just be soft and girly without being called white?? I know that classic coquettes are literally based of a white American 1950s girlhood. But all the other ones aren't. It's like people can't stand the idea that a black girl can not be aggressive, "ghetto", hyper sexual, and masculine.

And it's like I grew up in the suburbs and I grew up around a lot if not only white and Hispanic kids. So as a result I act very different from my siblings and parents who grew up in Queens New York. Their from the hood and I'm from the suburbs. And my mom (because everything goes back to her)🙄 She always tries to make me feel bad because I "acted white". When in reality I just wasn't hood like her. I didn't grow up like that and I'm not gonna act like something I'm not.

Even my blaque coquette section. That's all based of my childhood growing up in the suburbs. And I have been in the hood because of family events. So I have an idea of what it's like. And I'm not being boujie or anything but I'm glad I didn't grow up like that. Yea I'm spoiled my parents had money when I was growing up. And I don't like white boys on any day but it's not that I don't find at least some of them attractive. I am very pro black but I'm not flat out racist.

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