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Me: Well, here we are, in a book...... full of Randomness.

Ryan: Sounds a lot like you.

Me: Thank you for noticing, Now, in this book, is the deepest darkest most hurtful secret I ever held on to in my life.

Ryan: What is it!?

Me: *puts hand on Ryan's shoulder* Your not my brother...... you are the gay baby to Zayn and Harry Styles.

Ryan: Tell me something I don't know......

Me: Well my Panda's, Whores, Avengers, And Whales! Here We Go! OFF TO SCREW YOUR MOTHER! oh wait that's tomorrow's to do list.... OFF TO FILL THIS BOOK OF RANDOM!

Ryan: You've been warned!
It started out as a peaceful, crisp autumn morning..... JK it was Hell in a bag since it was school!

Ryan and Panda were skipping to school while singing:

"Oh We're Off To See The Bitchas,
The Bitchas Of Prairie View High!"

When they entered the courtyard, they could just smell the sorrow and pain of another lovely school morning. They could see it too! DJ was dry humping Amy, Lucy was snapping her fingers at a new black girl, and Hose' was beating in tiny Tim's face!

"Ahhhhh, Middle School." Panda claimed while breathing in. She choked at the inhale of cigarette smoke.

"Hey, who's that new black girl? Is she from Timick?" Ryan pointed his dildo in the direction of the new girl. "Why, I think it is..... Lets Go Ask Her Her Name Like We Care!" They frolicked to the new girl with weaves and a Starbucks in hand.

"Hello white girl disguised as a black girl, what is thou name?" Panda had a fake smile on and asked as if she cared.

"Lol, TF R U Talking 2 Me Fur? #Ho's" She said while texting away at her phone. Ryan laughed sarcastically then put on a straight face. It was straighter than his life. "No srsly bitch, what's your name before I slap you with my dildo....."

Ryan was a 5"7 14 year old boy. He wore pink every day and carried his prized dildo wherever he went. His hair was pink an purple while his big frames glasses were neon pink.

"It hurts, you don't want to get slapped with it." Panda proclaimed with the still fake smile and cheap talk tone.

Panda was a 5"10 13 year old girl. She had red hair that burned like flames. She wore a fake smile all the time, although she seemed very nice, she wished for everyone to melt or be tortured by her Holy Spirit Satan......

"It's #Sharkisha. NLO (Now Lay Off)"
She sighed while flipping her black weaves hair in Ryans face.

He gasped. "How Rude! Thats It.... Panda, Hold My Dildo, Im Gonna Beat A Bitch!" He said handing her his drippy dildo and purple purse.

Panda stepped in between them and clicked her tongue. "Tisk, Tisk, Tisk. A pity I have to use my powers on this foolish nonsense."

She dropped everything and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She looked at #Sharkisha and opened her mouth. "By The Power Of Lord Satan, I Command You To Be Sentenced To Death By Gayness......" She said in a monstrous voice.

A light was creating from her mouth. #Sharkisha gasped. It wasn't any ordinary light..... it was rainbow light. My Little Pony played in the background while Panda hovered into the air. "C Ya Bitch." was the last thing Panda said before firing her rainbow gun.

#Sharkisha fell to the ground by being overpowered by Gayness. "Da Gay, It's 2 Mch!" She yelled. The force was pulling her face back and made her weaves rip off her head. The light got so bright no one could see.

A few moments later it was over, and #Sharkisha was disintegrated. "You just got Roasted!" Ryan yelled out.

Panda put her fake smile on again and went to Ryan. "Now lets go get Starbucks......."

They interlocked their arms and started skipping again. The only thing we see now is the weaves blowing on the ground.

Me: Well, here we are, in a book...... full of Randomness.

Ryan: Sounds a lot like you.

Me: Thank you for noticing, Now, in this book, is the deepest darkest most hurtful secret I ever held on to in my life.

Ryan: What is it!?

Me: *puts hand on Ryan's shoulder* Your not my brother...... you are the gay baby to Zayn and Harry Styles.

Ryan: Tell me something I don't know......

Me: Well my Panda's, Whores, Avengers, And Whales! Here We Go! OFF TO SCREW YOUR MOTHER! oh wait that's tomorrow's to do list.... OFF TO FILL THIS BOOK OF RANDOM!

Ryan: You've been warned!
It started out as a peaceful, crisp autumn morning..... JK it was Hell in a bag since it was school!

Ryan and Panda were skipping to school while singing:

"Oh We're Off To See The Bitchas,
The Bitchas Of Prairie View High!"

When they entered the courtyard, they could just smell the sorrow and pain of another lovely school morning. They could see it too! DJ was dry humping Amy, Lucy was snapping her fingers at a new black girl, and Hose' was beating in tiny Tim's face!

"Ahhhhh, Middle School." Panda claimed while breathing in. She choked at the inhale of cigarette smoke.

"Hey, who's that new black girl? Is she from Timick?" Ryan pointed his dildo in the direction of the new girl. "Why, I think it is..... Lets Go Ask Her Her Name Like We Care!" They frolicked to the new girl with weaves and a Starbucks in hand.

"Hello white girl disguised as a black girl, what is thou name?" Panda had a fake smile on and asked as if she cared.

"Lol, TF R U Talking 2 Me Fur? #Ho's" She said while texting away at her phone. Ryan laughed sarcastically then put on a straight face. It was straighter than his life. "No srsly bitch, what's your name before I slap you with my dildo....."

Ryan was a 5"7 14 year old boy. He wore pink every day and carried his prized dildo wherever he went. His hair was pink an purple while his big frames glasses were neon pink.

"It hurts, you don't want to get slapped with it." Panda proclaimed with the still fake smile and cheap talk tone.

Panda was a 5"10 13 year old girl. She had red hair that burned like flames. She wore a fake smile all the time, although she seemed very nice, she wished for everyone to melt or be tortured by her Holy Spirit Satan......

"It's #Sharkisha. NLO (Now Lay Off)"
She sighed while flipping her black weaves hair in Ryans face.

He gasped. "How Rude! Thats It.... Panda, Hold My Dildo, Im Gonna Beat A Bitch!" He said handing her his drippy dildo and purple purse.

Panda stepped in between them and clicked her tongue. "Tisk, Tisk, Tisk. A pity I have to use my powers on this foolish nonsense."

She dropped everything and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She looked at #Sharkisha and opened her mouth. "By The Power Of Lord Satan, I Command You To Be Sentenced To Death By Gayness......" She said in a monstrous voice.

A light was creating from her mouth. #Sharkisha gasped. It wasn't any ordinary light..... it was rainbow light. My Little Pony played in the background while Panda hovered into the air. "C Ya Bitch." was the last thing Panda said before firing her rainbow gun.

#Sharkisha fell to the ground by being overpowered by Gayness. "Da Gay, It's 2 Mch!" She yelled. The force was pulling her face back and made her weaves rip off her head. The light got so bright no one could see.

A few moments later it was over, and #Sharkisha was disintegrated. "You just got Roasted!" Ryan yelled out.

Panda put her fake smile on again and went to Ryan. "Now lets go get Starbucks......."

They interlocked their arms and started skipping again. The only thing we see now is the weaves blowing on the ground.

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