The Black Phone Chapter One

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was sitting in a chair in the nurse holding an ice pack in my chest, I had taken another beating from my bullies.
I was on my way to school this morning; I had left Gwen in her classroom when I was suddenly dragged into an alley next to the school where Brandon Jones cornered me against the wall along with his two friends:
-Look what we got in here—He said spiting on my face.
-Where's your fucking boyfriend this morning Blake? —said his redhead friend. Then they drag me down into the floor and start beating and insulting me while I was shouting and tell them to stop, one of them kicked me really hard on the chest.
After they beat me until they got tired Brandon took me by the collar of my shirt and cornered me against the wall, he gets closer to me and whispered in my ear:
-We don ́t want gay shit in our town Finney—Then he licked my neck with his disgusting tongue and slapped me.
They left leaving me lying there over my chest and spilling some tears, I took my backpack and went to class but as soon as the teacher saw me, she sent me to the nurse ́s office and well here I am.
After a few minutes were the pain on my chest didn ́t disappear a guy with some kind of a band in his head enter to the office, his name was Robin Arellano, he was on my math class but I really never talk to him, I just knew two things about him the first one is that he came from Latin America over a year ago and second, you better not mess with him.
He wined in every single fight he had, in his first year a lot of people start messing with him because of his nationality but he didn't take long for him to make clear that no one had to mess with him, he sends two guys to the hospital by breaking their nose and arms.
I tried not to look at him and just concentrate on my wounds.
-Sorry we don't have any ice left, I ́ll go get some from the cafeteria, you can go wait right there-- said the nurse pointing to the seat right next to me.
Robin seat and none of us said nothing for a few minutes. -Finney right? – He said.
You are in my math class... I ́m Robin he said extending his hand for me to shake it which was exactly what I did, I could notice how his knuckles were swollen probably from another fight.

-I know—I didn ́t want to talk to him much, he scared me. -What are you doing here... How did you get hurt?
I didn ́t want to tell him the true because I was afraid of him sawing me as an easy victim so I lied.
-I fell from the stairs.
-Sorry about that.
-I heard that you are really good at Mr. Smith class. Is that true? -Yeah, I like math.
-That's cool, I ́m really bad for school in general and its weird because I not consider myself as a stupid person—He said laughing.
-I can help you with that, I use to explain to my sister how to make her homework... I mean if you want.
-That will be great, thank you Finney!
I smiled at him.
-Do you want some—I told him offering my ice pack.
-Sure, thank you very much—he said taking the ice pack and covering his hand with it. We continue talking for a few minutes more and then the nurse come into the office. -Okey Blake you can go now your teacher is waiting for you.
-Thanks—I stand up and leave.
continued with my classes as usual and when I finished, I picked up Gwen who said
goodbye to me and went to her friend's house as she did every Friday.
-I'll take care of dad, don't worry-- I told her and headed home. I was walking when
Brandon and his friends appeared.
-I told you to go away from my town you stupid piece of shit—he said and punch me in
the face.
I fell into the floor just waiting for them to start kicking me when suddenly Robin
appeared and push Brandon away from me.
-Don ́t touch him you stupid dickhead! –He shout him.

-Look guys, our friend Finney has been sucking a little bit of Wetbakc ́s cock—Said
Brandon and the other two start laughing. I was holding my cheek were Brandon hit me
and start dropping some tears.
Robin seems furious because of the insult.
-Said another fucking word and I ́ll break your motherfucker mouth son of a bitch—He
said Then he throws Brandon to the ground and started to hit him, the other two tried to
help him but Brandon stopped them and started trying to throw Robin but he didn't
succeed, when he finally let him go, his face was full of blood he and his friends left.
I thought Robin will leave but instead he knelt in front of me and took my chin to see the
blow I had received, I start getting nervous, he was very close to my face.
-Shit bro, that asshole really hurt you. -Why did you help me?
He got up and offered me his hand to stand up to which I took it.
  -I need my math tutor alive and breathing to help me study-- He said smiling at me.

He got up and offered me his hand to stand up to which I took it.

Black Phone Finney Blake x Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now