Part 3 prepping for the competition

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So then after you know last night we were fast asleep and didn't here my brother aka Jin hyung so we didn't know he'll see this

Jin: yn... Yn.... Yn... It's time to wake up breakfast is..... HOLY NAMJESUS!!!!!!!!!

I then shot up as I saw Jin with his mouth wide open with a horrified look on his face

I then shot up as I saw Jin with his mouth wide open with a horrified look on his face

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Yn: Jin hyung hi um.....

this is not what it looks like

Hyunjin: babe what's that noi..... OMG! Jin hyung hi

Jin: not what it looks like dude your naked and hyunjins no... Oh no pls don't tell me he fucked you with his clothes on man that's grows

Yn: ok I know it looks bad but just get out let me put on my clothes and get breakfast we'll talk about this later

Jin: ok ok ok well talk later

Then with that he walked then never and Hyunjin gave the we fucked up face well we both put on our clothes and went down stairs

Then with that he walked then never and Hyunjin gave the we fucked up face well we both put on our clothes and went down stairs

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Your fit

And then i went down my two little bros started teasing me about last nigh

Jimin: oh daddy harder *mocking*hahaha

Jungkook: uh!!! Yes you feel sooo good *mocking*

Jimin: oh daddy I'm gonna cum hahaha *mocking*

Jin: ok stop it you to both of you eat ok

Jimin&jungkook:yes hyung sowy

So then after we ate breakfast i drove to pick up the other boys and we were a little early so we decided to have a chate in the car next to the studio before we decide to go in

Minho: did y'all have fun

Seoungmin: ya

Changbin: did it feel good

Hyunjin: dude we didn't do anything

Minho: well what's on that phone

Hyunjin: um......Nothing

Yn: just cat videos

Seoungmin&Minho&changbin: ya sure

Hyunjin: ok let's just go in inside before we're late
Then we went Inside we all did our little song performances than its time announce who will be representing us and our professor

Jisung: ok I'm here to announce the fewer people here today we have yn, seoungmin, hyunjin, Minho and changbin


Then we all went home to get ready for what will hold tomorrow

End of chapter sorry for how short this was

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