Part 8 jealousy

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After the wedding jisung started acting strange like he's angry but not like shouting yelling or beating me or something he mostly locks himself in his room and is silent and is time to a talk with him.

Yn: um.... Jisung dear 💕

Jisung: what

Yn: well you haven't been loving me for last few days sense the wedding is it me

Jisung: no princess I'm never mad at you it's just it's hyunjin

Yn: what why

Jisung: I saw you to talking at the wedding and I had a feeling he's taking you away from me

Yn: babe no it's ridiculous he called me saying he's moving away from the city

Jisung: ya he better stay we're he's at or I might have to take necessary percousions

Yn: jisung darling pls I don't want you to go to jail I love you

Jisung: I love you to princess I just love you to much to lose a perfect girl who I loved

Yn: jisung is there a reason you kidnapped me

Jisung: well I need to tell you my past you may not like it but it's the truth

His eyes started to get teary

Yn: go ahead honey

Jisung: I was rich and good looking back in high school and still am to this day all of the girls love me but there was the one particular girl that I liked there was something about her that was so interesting her blonde hair her blue eyes and she has abbs but the reason why I know she has them cause from time to time I sneak in the girls locker rooms just to get a glimpse of her naked body. But then one day he said he liked me which caught me by surprise because she never spoke to me ever so she then told me to meet her behind the bleachers for a surprise then as I went there I saw my bully and her kissing I was so heart broken then his friends cornered me they beat me up tied me and made me watch as the two had sex right in front of me I was so mad I knew one day I'll get my revenge and the girls who liked me only for my riches and looks so ya that's my story.

He then starts crying I felt bad cause he don't trust girls and he grew up all alone I realized I actually love him now I know I can't play with his feelings anymore I actually truly love him he takes care of me and now it's my turn. So then I held him

Yn: well honestly why you don't like hyunjin that much

Jisung : well everytime I look at him I wanted to kill him cause everytime I steal a glance I see my bully it just pisses me off

Yn: I understand honey will get them and kill them together ok

Jisung: yes princess

Yn: now dear go to sleep we have a big ahead of us tomorrow

Jisung: ok princess

With that we fell asleep

End of chapter

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