Part 5 Kidnapper

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So much then after the competition and the ass woopen I gave I dropped off the boys then went home to my three knuckle head brothers

Jungkook: hello nuna how was your competition

Jimin: ya did you win against those sluts

Jin: jimin language

Jimin: sorry but it's facts

Yn: jimin got a point and it went great I did when of the power of friendship and me and my boyfriend

Jin: hmmmm I guessing he's not so bad after all

Yn: see he may be good in bed but also in other things

Jin: I'm sure he loves to absurd dominance when he wears suits while having sex

Yn: come on he loves to be dominate and I one time tried to dominate him he switched it around with ease

Jin: sounds like a good boyfriend

Yn: oh I heard next time we are going against 𝕀𝕋ℤ𝕐✨있지

Jin: wait my ex RyuJin

Jungkook: and my ex Yuna

Jimin: don't tell me that's my favorite ex yeji

Yn: wait aren't those Mafia bosses goons

Jungkook: ya Jennie mom is as the Mafia boss she's in jail so that makes Jennie the leader and yeij, Yuna, Ryu Jin are her minions and are planning to kill all of us

Yn: ok we need to put a stop to them but I need to go upstairs put down my trophy 🏆 and rest

As I laid there in my pajamas I got a call from my boyfriend hyunjin


Hyunjin: how's it going babe.

Yn: good happy from victory and revenge and I heard 𝕀𝕋ℤ𝕐✨있지 is working for Jennie there Mafias and now there planning to kill all of cause I think we were mafias an I was next in line cause I was faster and stronger than the rest of my brothers

Hyunjin: wow thanks for telling me I must tell the boys so we can hatch a plan

Yn: yes and kill those bicthes

Hyunjin: yup so baby what you doing right now

Yn: nothing just watching a movie feeling a bit horny right now

Hyunjin: really I'm also I'm feeling like I should dominante someone today

Yn: oooooooooo why don't you come here and teach this bad girl a lesson big boy

Hyunjin: hmmmm you know it
But then i heard a noise in my window

Yn: hold babe I heard something

Hyunjin: what did you here pumpkin

Yn: I don't know let me check it out

Then when i opened my window and looked over I was dragged by something or someone and then i started screaming


Hyunjin: pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin are you ok oh no I need to go over there

Hyunjin POV

As I was on the phone with my pumpkin feeling a bit horny but then she heard a noise but after she opened her window I heard a scream so I rushed to put my clothes on and burst out the door running as fast as I can I then knocked on the door

Jin: hyunjin yn is gone

Hyunjin: I know I heard a scream but no body s

Jungkook: she must've been kidnapped

Jimin: was it itzy or  🖤BLΛƆKPIИK💗

Hyunjin: it can be there low class mafia there the weakest links on planet earth

Jin: I think I might know

Then my phone rang


Unknown: hello hyunjin

Hyunjin: how you know my name

Unknown: you will find out soon I got your little girlfriend and it'll a shame is something we're to happen

Hyunjin: you got my girlfriend prove it

*Puts the phone towards yn*


Unknown: so hurry or you'll see her with a disfigured face and come alone or I'll kill her

*hangs up*

Jimin: who was it who kidnapped our nuna

Hyunjin: I don't know but i know it's not a girl

Jin: could it be seoungmin

Hyunjin: he knows I've been crushing on her he wouldn't such a thing and plus he wouldn't he's kinda a coward don't tell him i said that

Jungkook: ok we're coming with you

Hyunjin: no I need to go alone or she'll get hurt

Jungkook: don't worry just be careful ok

Hyunjin: ok I have a plan Jin you drive whe I scream you all come out ok

Jin: sounds like a plan

End of hyunjin POV

So they all hop in the car the kidnapper sent the address so they all drove there. Then they all arrived at the kidnappers house only hyunjin went in to be on the safer side

Hyunjin: I'm here we're is my pumpkin


Hyunjin then ran towards the noise as I screamed his and saw me curled to a ball on the bed as I was kinda mortified he then ran up and hugged Me

Hyunjin: it's ok pumpkin your alright your safe now are you ok did he hurt

Yn: no but I know who did this

Hyunjin: who

Yn: Mr han

Hyunjin: wait you don't mean

Jisung: oh yes hyunjin I stole your girl and don't worry I'm not gonna hurt her but I am gonna hurt you

Hyunjin: wait what 😱

Then jisung yanked hyunjin from my grasped and dragged him and tied him upside down then he took a bat from the corner of the room what's he's gonna do with that?

Jisung: well you see jisung if your girlfriend refuses to marry me then I'll beat you if not then your free to go

Yn: no jisung I'll never marry someone who's an ass whole like you
He then starts beating hyunjin with a bat while yelling but then three more boys barged in which was my three brothers

Jungkook: NUNA!!!!!

Jin: was this evil man done to you

Jisung: nothing yet

Jimin: let nuna go

Jisung: sorry but i cant I need her I must have her

Yn: NEVER!!!!!

Jisung: very well

He then starts beating him harder than ever he looks he's gonna die is it gonna be my pride and dignity or is it gonna be my boyfriend the person who I love the most

Yn: fine

Jungkook: nuna don't

Hyunjin: p.... P.... Pumpkin..... P..... P.... Pls don't

Yn: oh hyunjin you know Iove and I promise I won't forget you and everything we shared ok

Hyunjin: I won't forget to

Jisung had his little smirk on his face then let hyunjin go and jisung had a gun to the boys head so they had no choice but to leave and now I'm left with this psychotic monster all by myself

This is my life now

End of chapter

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