Part 10 making babies 👶👶🍼

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So then we got back all exhausted and horny well jisung definitely was because well he got turned after me fighting those guys and girls.

Jisung: I didn't know you can fight

Yn: well just let you know you could've just got to know me except for kiddnaping me and plus I've been a black belt in all of karate 🥋 for year's that's how I met the guys

Jisung: well honestly tell me how did you meet them

Yn: first was hyunjin he was pretty cocky saying I can beat anyone and everyone In the dojo then I said well can you beat me he laughed saying he could any day so you guess what I did

Jisung: let me guess you whooped his ass

Yn: you know I did and ever sense he fell in love with me because of that ass whoppen and I liked him back because he was sweet

Jisung: how did you meet seoungmin

Yn: well he was lonely sitting in a corner all by himself and he was a strong one to but not as strong as me we both had black belt but he was shy to talk to anyone so I became hi friend and introduced him hyunjin that's the trio started

Jisung: well how did you meet Changbin

Yn: well he thought my skills were amazing sense I trained at different dojos I actually thought him and got him appointed into some of the dojos

Jisung: cool what about Minho

Yn: well he saw how I handled hyunjin he got impressed so ever sense h looked up to me as a best friend

Jisung: well I have to inform you I have a wife but ex wife

Yn: awww what happened how did y'all get divorced 👪➡👨👩😭

Jisung: well I caught her cheating turns out she only loved me for sex and Money until she got bored of me and found someone else

Yn: omg that's horrible

Jisung: I know but if you see her hurt her then I'll kill her ok

Yn: right on it babe

Jisung: but I kinda wanted to tell you something

Yn: what is it babe

Jisung: well I kinda wanted to start a family have kids and I found you I just chose you to help me with that dream but you were with hyunjin so I had to get rid of him but I know you'll never love a monster like me

He says with tears forming in His eyes but little does he know I actually love him back but I don't think he knows it

Yn: you know I love you

Jisung: you what

Yn: I love you

Jisung: it took you so long to here you say that princess you should say it more often

Yn: well that was when i don't know if I should love you or hate you but instead I chose love

Jisung: awwww princess I love you to
Then with that he kissed me with list in love cause he wanted me for a long time now and now it's time for me to give it to him. He then pushed me back on to the couch pulling down my skirt and fish nets were my black laced underwear were visible

Jisung: hmmm black laced you sure do know what I like

Yn: I had a feeling this would come to this

Jisung: hmm ya
He then started to pull down your underwear looking at your heat just looking at it looking like he wanted to devour you

Jisung: oh baby I can't take it I just want it now

He then quickly unbuckles his belt to reveal his large Member I was shocked to see it was bigger than hyunjin that thing looked so un natural

Jisung: oh baby I know it's bigger than you imagined you don't have to keep staring

Yn: oh...Um.... Sorry

Jisung: no need princess
He then shoves his Member in me but let me adjust to his size sense I never had sex in a while and I had a big dick inside before but this was bigger so it took me a while

Yn: f... F... Faster

Jisung: as you wish princess

He then went inhumane speed so fast that I thought he would break the couch I mean hyunjin went rough but jisung went maniac on me

Yn: uh.... Uh.... Uh.... Jisung don't stop

Jisung: uh.... Dose my princess like that hmmm

Yn: y... Y.... Y... Yes your princess likes it

Then after a few more rough pounds I can feel a tight knot in my stomach and that means i was close then I warned jisung.

Yn: uh.....ji....ji.....jisung I'm c...c...c....close

Jisung: to princess

With loud groans we both came together but realizing I wasn't on the pill and he wasn't wearing a condom so I kinda panicked

Yn: jisung wait

Jisung: what is it princess did I hurt or something if I did then I'm sorry

Yn: what baby no your grate it's just that im not on the pill and there's no condom

Jisung: I might have fucked you a little too hard cause you said you wanted kids so I came inside now you have my babies

Yn: oh.......uh....ok I think you went. Little hard and I couldn't remember but let me get up and make dinner so we can both go to sleep

With that I went to make dinner we both ate and went sleep

End of chapter 10

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