Part 13 is this what luv suppose to feel like

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Then he's been taking care of me a lot lately cleaning cooking he even has to go to YouTube and get the recipes for the food he makes he's so sweet he treats me so well I give him head from time to time sense I'm pregnant with his whos a girl who we named Han Kai he seems to love the name sense it's basically named after him so ya

Jisung: baby I just love you so much I'm sorry I had to get rid of hyunjin and take you away from your family I just love you so much

Yn: well is this what love supposed to feel like

Jisung: right now I'm loving you

Yn: well killing every guy who talks to me is love

Jisung: oh yn yes it is you know I'll work you cook clean tame care of kids and give me kids am pleasure me but your useful for other things to hun

Yn: well ok but can we go visit my brothers they miss me alot

Jisung: you know what sure sense I'm a great husband

So we both got on our clothes then drove to my old house I was hesitant to knock on the door at first but I mustard the courage to. As I knocked I saw my big Brother Jin he gave me a surprised look and hugged me

Jin: OMG!! YN!! your back I missed you so much

Yn: I know sorry I didn't call I didn't have.....

Jin: your phone
He then hands me my phone with m background as me and the guys and I decided to call hyunjin

Yn: wait I need to make a phone call

Jisung: ok yn princess just hurry ok

Yn: ok

I then went to my room and dialed the number hoping for a answer than I hears


Hyunjin: hello yn

Yn: jisung babe it's me I heard you moved away

Hyunjin: ya hut I'm back now your still married to jisung

Yn: ya but don't worry I love you and still have feelings for you but i also fell in love with jisung

Hyunjin: well don't worry he doesn't have to know I mean I can sneak over there we can make up from Lost times is that ok

Yn: ya ok hyunjin see ya I love you

Hyunjin: love you to

Then he hung up and I went back to see my two brothers jimin and jungkook

Jungkook&jimin:NUNA HOME!!!!

They then both jumped on top of me hugging me so hard I couldn't breathe.

Yn: ok guys I.....cant.....breathe

Jungkook: sorry nuna we just messed after all this time

Yn: ya ya come on let me tell you all about my adventure

I then told all what happened threw my left we all joked and laugh but sometimes they grew concerned about me fighting with a pregnant lady.

End of chapter 13

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