tee hee

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btw ive decided to add the iii characters in- so like they live in the hotel to xdd just roll with it-

also this will have a lot of my hc for yin-yang in it so- teehee

omgiloveyinyangsmtheirsocute-time to traumatize them

3rd person pov:

Yin woke up first- as usual.. Yang was still using their shared mouth to snore- it was annoying but he was used to it, and so were the cherry's the kids who also shared a room so it was basically, 3 bodies for 2 bed deal- none would pay rent- because none are old enough for a job-

Lucky for yin sanity the cherry's didn't snore- other wise yin would have murdered the cherry's and his own brother a LONG time ago, he decided to wake up his brother but leave the cherry's, then wake them if they didn't wake up by breakfast then they could go wake them up-

Sitting up he tried to wake yang up by going to walk- but that didn't- really work to his advantage-, yang weighed them down as he wasn't awake to actually do anything and they fell to the floor with a thud, yang didn't wake up, but slipped back out of place and yin was placed in charge-

Which is the equivalent to him saying "5 more minutes" yin with the pain of falling groaned, but he noticed how dry their or- his mouth was, "ew" he got up off the floor and saw that the cherry's didn't wake up either- "dang is no one waking up to anything today?" he thought to himself as he walked towards the door, when he got out of the room he closed the door behind him something yang never let him do, he would just push it open until yin gave up-

When he got to the main room there was a few objects there already, but it didn't look like breakfast had started, so he decided to just sit on the couch until then, but on his way over someone walked up to him, it was tissue- someone they kind of liked-

"Hey, yin-yang-" he said somewhat pausing in between their name, he had a blanket wrapped around him dragging on the floor, "hello tissues!" yin smiled at him, he was glad its just him talking to tissues right now- candle taught them how to change like this and it's been really helpful when talking to others-

"Oh-  yin it's just you right now?" he said yin couldn't tell if tissues was sad about yang not being here- though normally others prefer it when yang isn't here "yeah- sorry if your disappointed about that- heh- yang wanted to sleep a little longer" tissues perked up a bit which was a bit odd- "o-oh no- I'm not disappointed I like talking to both of you- uh- j-just surprised-" the last word was quickened as he swiftly grabbed a tissue and sneezed-

sometimes yin feels bad about his "condition" ((or as I say it- his cOndIShaWn-mendez- get it? Yeah I'm funny)) as he is almost always in the infirmary they have here- courtesy of soap begging for it repeatedly, to the point he basically lives there- yin is surprised that he's even out of the room and that soap isn't scrubbing down everything around him with in a 14 foot radius-

"Oh- well I was just going to sit on the couch until yang wakes up- you could join me if you'd like-?" "oh I don't- think soap or anyone would like me doing that- and i doubt soap wants to clean a whole couch-" he sneezed again oh yeah not to mention his sneezes are almost strong enough to knock the short little guy over-

"Oh I'm sure it will be fine- promise- and if she gets mad- I'll take credit for it ok?" yin said, tissues was still worried "but I don't want to make you get in trouble- just because I messed up again...." he said a bit sad- "it'll be fine tissues now lets go!" yin grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch and sat down with him-

" he said a bit sad- "it'll be fine tissues now lets go!" yin grabbed his hand and pulled him to the couch and sat down with him-

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