Why does trophy care so much lmao???

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warnings: uhhhhhhh idfk dont think there is any? 

i didnt cook with this one gang, no funny guys in excruciating pain tonight

"It's.. a little strange to me, How much trophy cares about them.. I thought that he hated them... but he's being so nice all of the sudden." they looked up at the lightbulb who played with their bristles, braiding it and adding charms, "well.. I donno.. Maybe he just decided to be nicer?" she suggested, all though she didn't really believe that for herself. "Pfft. yeah. Except he's still a dickhead to all of us" they continued. "I mean like- he's even tolerating tissues!" "okay... that one'ssss pretty weird.. But.. maybe you should try to be nice to him too?" "what? Like.. giving him another chance?" they raised an eyebrow, not believing her.

"I guess..? I mean- listen if you're nice to him first he might be nice once back? And then you can just keep going back and forth!" "that's- not going to happen." paintbrush sat up. "But it's worth a shot though huh?" ... "I-.. I guess so." "heh! That's the spirit! Now lay back down, I'm not done, I still have to put the butterflies in!"


Trophy sat on the couch reluctantly, as he wanted to stay in the infirmary just in case Yang started freaking out or something. But the soap bottle insisted he let Yang have privacy. And unfortunately fan was also on the couch, probably writing stupid things on his stupid blog on that stupid laptop. At least that's what trophy thought of it all, calling everything stupid in his head. Every object that walked by was stupid, the flickering light in the kitchen was stupid, the sun peaking through the curtains was stupid, though he was just mad in general.

"Trophy..?" "What." fans eyes widened slightly as he cleared his throat, he wasn't expecting trophy to respond with such annoyance. "N-nothing- sorry.." trophy sighed/groaned angrily and faced the fan "No! You bothered me already! Just spit it out." "I- I was just.. Wondering.. Wh-what happened with yin-yang.. P-painty said you might know.. S-sor-" "If you Stutter one more damn time I'm going to punch your laptop through your head." fans' eyes widened once more, as he gulped with nervousness.

"... they were freaked out by a fight. So they ran out.. And hit their head really bad. And now yin "isn't there" and yang is sleeping." he admitted with a softer tone, looking at the floor.. Though basically past it.. Fans' fear subsided slightly, "oh- wow.. I'm- I'm so sor-" "You shouldn't be apologizing. You didn't do shit to cause it. At least to the best of my knowledge. Soap, salt, Oj and paintbrush should be apologizing. If they didn't argue yin-yang never would have run off."

"Has- paintbrush not apologized yet? I swear they would have by now.." "that dumb brush couldn't care less. None of you ever gave a fuck about yin-yang." he paused, "I NEVER gave a fuck about them either. And they got hurt." he turned to face a fan with slight concern on his face. "What's stopping the cherries from doing something similar? It's only a matter of time till someone else gets hurt because of careless behavior." for as scary as the thought might be, it was true. Not many of the residents were nice to anyone but their friends. And if they didn't have friends.. No one was nice to them.. What an awful feeling.

"..this.. Feels weird." "what does?" "you-.. Caring about others..?" trophy shot him a glare. "Well damn didn't know you all thought i was such an asshole that i dont have common decency." "n-no that's not what i-" trophy stood up and left. Huffing in anger. Leaving fan to smack himself in the face because of his stupid sentence.


Tissues sneezed. Staring at yin-yang's unconscious body from crossed the room, he had been waiting for them to wake up for a while. It had been.. Maybe a day and a night since he initially fell asleep, and each morning and night, he would watch them. In case they needed help, or woke up.. Every time soap came in to check on him she always whispered about how she wanted to wake them up. Just to get them to drink, she originally wanted to put a drip/ iv thing into their arm. But tissues mentioned if yin-yang did wake up and they found her Stabbing them. Or they woke up with a tube in their arm. Yang would rip it out. Causing more damage to them.

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