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(top pic has spoilers for the chapter!)

(ok listen- Xd yin-yang is a big ball ok? a big ass ball- and since i consider them CHILD-DREN, its hilarious how big they are, so i shrunk them, teeheeee yeah anyway)

Warnings: crying, fighting, yelling, scared little lad, no proof reading

Yin stopped hugging paintbrush and sniffled, they wiped his tears and said "are you calmer now?" with a small smile, yin didnt look at them but agreed that he was alright to talk, "uhm- well i-" he coughed, paint brush patted his back lightly "i was tal-aking with t-tissues- an- yang- an- he said som-something stupid- th-that wasnt a big dea-eal but i-" he coughed-

"I got upset- and- i left to my r-room, and w-when-n uh- i came b-back-k, yang-g had lit th-th-the uhm, uh-" yin was struggling to remember the words lucky for him paintbrush had been told that the infirmary had indeed been lit a blaze, but wanted to let yin tell his side of what happened "infirmary?" "ye-eah, uhm, and wh-when OJ go-got there, he ye-elled at-'' he started to cry again...-

Paint brush rubbed his back again, "its ok, take your time" he leaned himself on them, "tha-anks.. Pai-ainty" he said "no problem yin, we can wait as long as you need" they replied yin smiled, after some big breaths- "well, he yell-led at y-yang- But a-also me! I-i-i wanted to say i was sorry for le-eting him ge-et out of hand, and i did-didn't want- the hotel to burndown i didn't want anyone to get hurt and im sorry that i was falling the One Job i had!! And-!" yin kept rambling-

But the more that he did, the more that PB learned what Oj opted to keep out of his story, what they were getting was that Oj essentially snapped at a kid who wasn't even at the most fault, from what yin was saying, yang sunk out let yin take it all, and didn't get anything, there was a possibility that OJ was going to talk to yang about it, but talked to yin first-

Or maybe he thought it's pointless to tell a child who never learns or cares that his actions are bad, a creature that is unbothered by others negative words, so he took out his frustrations on someone who can care, someone- a child who is incapable of ignoring such words, a child who takes it to heart, and will change himself accordingly, despite these feelings being meant for someone else-

They were getting angry at Oj, instead of acting like the adult he was, yin noticed that painty was starting to heat up, and stopped rambling, "u-uh.. P-painty? I'm sorry if i u-upse-et you- i wa-" he was cut off as painty came back out of their thoughts ''Oh! Nonono-! You didn't do anything wrong yin! I was- just getting upset at oj- for yelling at you, when he should have been at most, talking to you- calmly" painty explained-

"Oh- ok.. That's better I think- don't be too mad at him though! I shouldn't have gotten upset. It wasn't a big deal and if I didn't leave, Yang wouldn't have burned things- and I should h-have done a b-better job watching hi-''''no yin.. It's.. it's not really your fault, your allowed to get upset or offended, and just because your stuck with him doesn't mean you're to blame for him getting into trouble" painty interjected-

Yin was quiet, "how about i get you a treat? To make you feel better?" Painty said, "r-really?" yin said hopefully

"Yep! Wanna come down with me and pick it out? Or do you wanna stay up here?" painty questioned, "uhhmmm- I wanna come with you!!" yin said waving his arms a bit smiling a lot, Paintbrush stood up holding onto yin then put him down, yin grabbed their hand and they walked away from the messed up room, painty made a mental note to clean that later, and find someone to sew up the plush-

Yin was excited to get a sweet, usually him and yang were stopped by other residents of the hotel, sweets were for special occasions, not whenever wanted- they got down to the kitchen, yin remembers that the sweets are at the elevated cabinets, and atop the highest shelf, that's how they get caught, loudly moving a stool-

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