its weird that its happened twice right?

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for this chapter i very much did the gijinka versions of them, because... sillyyy~ anyway, 

warnings: graphic descriptions, auditory hallucinations, self harm (accidental)

Yang's eyes slowly opened, he blinked slightly, looking around the infirmary sight adjusting to the darkness, with the slow flashing light of the monitors he saw a scene that confused him, on his right, tissues sleeping next to him on the bed his hair messy, tissue paper crumpled around him as he tightly held onto yang's arm, on his left, trophy sitting in a chair, holding his hand, resting his head on the edge of the bed hair messy and just as sparkly as always, their slightly to very shiny surfaces reflecting the light nicely, though yang quietly slipped his hand and arm away from both of the other men, sliding off the bed and opening the doors, walking through the empty halls of the hotel, the echoing of an elongated beep sounded eerily through the halls, though he didn't notice, his steps were slow and a bit shaky, he was thirsty, he was going to get water from the kitchen, that's what he was doing, going to the kitchen that's all he wanted, water that's all he needed, its what he was actively doing that's why he got out of bed, that's why he's walking, that's what he wants, that's all he..

..Opened the front door, he can feel the cold night air blow through his hair and onto his velvety skin, his braid was falling out of the ponytail, yin was the one to braid it, he had been sleeping for so long he couldn't have fixed it, and even then he couldn't have fixed it, he doesn't know how to do hair, that's yins job, he felt his bare feet touch the cold grass, as he stepped out, the injury was pounding, as he continued to step out into the woods.

"Yin.." he spoke quietly to himself in a dry crackling voice.

"No i am not going to drink water...! It does not matter if its healthier...."

"Dr. fizz.. Is.. better.. You know it.." he whispered, bumping into a tree.

"Dr. fizz..." he whispered as he kept walking, his legs threatening to give out the moment his eyes shut.

"Dr. fizz....." he said once again, he started tilting his body threatening to collapse, making him slam his head into a tree, though he got up quickly.

"Yin they want to talk to you." bushes scraped at his skin, small cuts formed from the thorns.

"They like you more than me... why didn't you tell me, there was somewhere i could fade off to.. So you and everyone else,... would never have to deal with me again..?" he tripped on an above ground root, slamming his head onto a tiny sharp rock, piercing his forehead, though he got up just the same.

"Yin? Do you remember.. When we... ate.. The dough.. For the challenge...? Ha..hah that was.. Fun right..?" he could taste the blood dripping from his forehead into his mouth, he could feel the bruise he was getting from slamming into the tree.

"Remember.. When.. we... kept.. G-g-getting.. V-votes..?? I- thought.. We wo-would.. Win.. ev-veryo-one loo-ooved us..!" his voice cracked and faded, as he dropped to his knees, feeling the pain shoot through his kneecaps, though as if he was some zombie he got up again, continuing the process, slamming into a tree. Falling face first into the ground, thorns and sharp sticks piercing his skin and his feet, as the night grew colder, his clothes felt sticky from half dried blood.




"Come back please... i know you can hear me." and he fell once again, scraping his back with a bush and falling asleep under it, as the night grew colder still..

"Trophy..?" a small voice whispered "trophy..??" he whispered louder before he suddenly felt a harsh yank on one of his handles "Ah cheesus!! What the??" he sat up quickly, pushing his hair back as he looked at tissues in the dark, "s-sorry..! It's just- yangs gone..!" and if the trophy wasn't awake before he was now as he stood up quickly, looking at the bed. "Where the hell is he??" "I-I dont know?? I woke up to the heart monitor like- doing that-'' he pointed to the heart monitor and that it was now one long continuous line, as the sticky pads that were used to feel yin-yang's heart were no longer attached, trophy turned out and walked out into the hall, then into the living room then.. He saw the open door.

"God damn it." he whispered as tissues followed, looking as well, both their faces had dropped, though trophy immediately went into action, just as he did the first time, "Tissues, get soap. Wake her up and have her waiting for us to come back" tissues nodded and left down to soaps room, which he had memorized, trophy ran out into the forest, taking his phone and using the flashlight to see in the dark quickly finding a trail of blood. Getting thicker and thicker, until he finally found them, crouching down by their body, sitting them up and quickly examining their wounds. Before picking up their body and holding them close to his chest, feeling blood soak into his shirt, his hair flowed in the wind with how fast he ran, running through the open door, meeting soap half way, as he set their body on the couch, as soap began to patch him up.

Tissues and trophies just stared at them, "this dude has an actual problem with getting head injuries, I mean seriously. Second time in like two days.." trophy said quietly, tissues laughed tiredly "I hope this doesn't become a thing.. I dont wanna get scared like that again.." "you and I both... I can't believe he slipped past us so easily.." soap closed the med kit and sighed, "okay guys.. We might need to keep a close eye on them.. All the time. We can't risk them getting hurt anymore. Its.. just too dangerous."

"Right.. So... we just get someone.. Staying with them all the time..?" "I guess? Really anyone would work, except tissues.. You probably shouldn't be around them." "what..?" tissues asked with a frown. "I'm sorry but if you sneezed into an open wound they could get severely infected." "I.. I guess that makes sense.." He looked away, holding the blanket closer around him, though the trophy bent down to carefully pick them up once more, "soap.. Can they sleep in their room?" "what?? No they need to stay in the infirmary!" "shh.. I'm just saying they would feel more comfortable in their own room.." "i-.. I guess. But what if the cherries bother them? Plus their room is so far away from the infirm-" "Fine, they stay in my room. It's on the ground floor, relatively close to the infirmary and since tissues isn't in there anymore, there's a free bed, plus a lockable door. So they cant go walking again." he said sternly facing tissues for a moment "you mind if they take your bed?" tissues shook his head, and trophy walked off with yin-yang, leaving no room for discussion as he was tired, and didn't want this kid to be put in any more danger.


yippee... i posted another chapter, i am sooo sleepy (i am ignoring all my homework.) hope i cooked with this one party rockers.. goodnighttt...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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