idiot children got lost lol

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warnings: swearing

Trophy hears the fight in the kitchen, "what are you guys, Yelling about!?" only oj looked over "well- uh- paintbrush was defending yin against, then salt said some dumb things- and then we scared yin off, and he ran out the door and they kept fi-" oj was cut off by trophy "What?! How Long Ago?!" trophy demanded, he looked at the oven clock "uh- maybe an hour a-" "AN HOUR??" trophy cut him off once more "YOU FUCKING IDIOTS JUST LET HIM RUN AWAY??? And After an HOUR I'm The One That Made You Realize That??" that got everyone's attention, "what...?" painty said relizing that they didnt even think to go after him,-

"O-oh crap- uh what do we do??" oj said starting to panic, "What The Fuck Do You Mean 'wHAt dO We dO'?? You Go After Them You Fuck Heads!?" trophy mocked him, he sounded annoyed as he walked towards the door, "where are you going?" salt said like an idiot, "I'm Being a Responsible Adult and going to look for some Missing Kids." trophy said grabbing a jacket of a hook near the door, "what's the like- point tho they'll be back some time?" salt spoke not really caring about the situation, "Unless they get hurt- then they cant get back" paintbrush said back in-

"Well lucky for us then! Not having them around is like a Good Thinn..g" she quieted down her bold words when everyone turned to look at her like she said a slur she cant reclaim, "Excuse me??" trophy said 100% ready to beat her ass, but instead of sprinting over and breaking her into shards of salty stinging pain, He sighed angrily, "I can't with that bitch right now. You guys deal with her. If I'm not back in a bit with yin-yang, come out and help me look." "WH-" and with that he left-

He walked a while into the woods, yelling their names, "YIN- YANG??"




"I swear I heard someone, prolly just a weird animal, just keep walking then, you can get back to the– UGH!! The hotel is literally not even better than out here!'' Yang spoke to himself, upset, "the woods are WAY!! Better than the hotel, no one fighting, it's quiet, one to be- mean to- no bed- no riggity... ok- the woods aren't that great- but still better than yelling!!, i don't even think anyone will miss us that much-'' yang tried to convince himself-

"So- maybe- yeah maybe we can just... get our stuff- from the hotel and... And of COURSE we're going to have to steal stuff–" yang was a bit shocked when another voice broke into his conversation with himself, "STeAl?! Wouldn't OJ be upset?" yin said, "wh- nice to know you're awake" he said sarcastically " and i don't CARE, if he feels bad! In Fact!! The worse he feels the better!!" yang then started to laugh loudly-

"Oh hush!!" yin said blocking the rest of his laughing, "Aww you're no funn!!" Yang said giggling at the end of his sentence, "that's not fun! That's- bullying!" ((thats..thats bullism.. No bullie)) "Yeahhh that's- THe PoInt??" yang said making yin sound stupid for not realizing, "well! I don't want to be blamed for your bad decisions again!" he said, reminding yang of the- whole ordeal earlier, "oh- uh about that. Are- you feeling- better? From.. before i mean" yang said trying to be nice-

"Feeling? Better??, Yang you left me to get yelled at!! YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD HAVE HAPPENED AND YOU STILL DID IT!?" yin stopped walking and started to yell, making them almost trip, "i know but- i didn't know what to-" yang tried to reason "OH YOU DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO?! Heh- lemme give you some suggestions!, you could- stand up for me.. Or you could Explain that its your fault... Or maybe... DONT FUCKING LIGHT A FIRE IN THE HOTEL IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?" he swore-

"i- ... yin- you-" yang was shocked that he swore, "I KNOW, SHUT UP." more shocked he swore intentionally, they just kinda stood there, silently-

Until yang decided awkwardly to start walking again, turning at random trees, "Do you even know where we're going?" yin said angry, "YEaH?!" Yang said, snapping at him, after a bit.. "No..i don't- know where we are or- going" "...sorry yang.." yin said quietly "its ok... I should have done something.. Sorry- for alot about what i did today..." yang said, "its, its not ok.. You know that, but i'm glad you're apologizing," yin said, "yeah"-

They walked in silence, thinking about how to get to the hotel, or how to live out here, "yang?" he said quietly, yang hummed in response " do you think, anyones... looking, for us...?" yin said, a bit sad and nervous, yang did not respond, he didn't know, he knew for a fact people didn't like him maybe even hated him, but only tolerated him for yin, who was a bit more well liked, he knew the different ways they would talk to them, just because he's in his room doesn't mean he's always blocking out sound-

Regardless, yin took yang not saying anything as he didn't think so, until he did speak "i,.. Don't think so, but they might try and look, to say they tried.." he said slowly, yin then told him "well.. Painty might?" "painty?" he mocked, yin cleared his throat "paintbrush, i mean- but yeah, they helped me feel better, after i was crying a lot"-

"Did they stop you from running out?" yang countered, yin did not respond, "yeah." Yang said, disappointed. "They were fighting with oj and salt? Maybe they were distracted?" yin said optimistically, "maybe.." yang said as they started holding their arms, rubbing them periodically as it was slightly windy and cold-



"Yin-yang?!" trophy yelled over again, wishing that he took his phone with him, making his way through the trees, hoping that he would either find them or they would at least hear him, as he ran through the woods...

"Yin-yang?!" trophy yelled over again, wishing that he took his phone with him, making his way through the trees, hoping that he would either find them or they would at least hear him, as he ran through the woods

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i tried rlly hard, to draw this- im terrible at backgrounds and even worse at lighting and plant filled backgrounds, so i hope you guys like this it took absolutely forever, the chapter and the drawing, im bad at doing things when im unmovtivated, aaaannnnnywayyy,

uh hope u liked it, it was supposted 2 be  A LOT ,,,longerr, but im tireddd uhhh hope nothing is messed up or done wrong, yeah byyyeeee

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