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TW: mentions of death, ptsd, eating disorder, drugs, and bad parenting

Eddie had falling asleep on Steve's shoulder as steve rubbed his head lightly. steve had wondered how he just felt earlier, about kissing him.

steve had fallen asleep, and before he knew it, it'd be the next morning

Eddie had woken up, gasping for air. "jesus fucking Christ man.." he rubbed the top of his head, with a massive headache

steve was still asleep, as eddie set him laying down on his bed.

Eddie got up and stretched, walking to the kitchen. "god dammit I miss chrissy so much.."
he looked at the place where chrissy had sadly, passed. He grabbed some Tylenol out of the medicine cabinet, taking 1 to at least relief his headache. "god dammit I have so much horror from when she died now, these night terrors are gonna keep happening.." Eddie grabbed a glass, pouring some water in it and downing the whole thing.

Steve woke up and rubbed his eyes gently. "Eddie?" he called out his name, realizing he wasn't in his presents.

Eddie sat on the counter, resting his head against the cabinet door. he kept having flashbacks about when she died, right in his presents. "shit man, this would've been all good if I haven't just.. left her there" eddie teared up a bit

Steve walked out of Eddie's room, walking to the kitchen. "oh! hey edd-" Steve looked at Eddie, seeing tears roll down his face.

Eddie quickly wiped them away "morning princess, how'd you sleep?"

Steve walked up to him, pulling him off the counter "eddie, why were you just crying?"

"I wasn't harrington, it was cause.. uhm.. I splashed water on my face! yeah" eddie quickly found the most random excuse

Steve gave him a concerned look "eddie, that was definitely you crying" he put his hand up to the side of his cheek and rub it

Eddie looked up at him tearing up more "nothing harrington, just a headache." he took steves hand off of his cheek

Steve has always found away to get a person to tell him what's wrong, Eddie was just being as difficult as he is

"are you sure? i don't want to bother you if you are upset about something" steve walked back a bit, giving Eddie some space

Eddie wanted to break down in tears right then and there, but his parents always told him if he cry's then he will never be able to be an actual person "yeah I'm fine" eddie crossed his arms around his own waist

"I care about you, Ed's. you can tell me what's going on" steve gave Eddie a slight smile

Eddie paused for a moment at the nickname steve just gave him "did you just- did you just call me Ed's?"

Steve's face turned a bit red "yeah sorry, if it bothers you I don't have to say i-" Eddie cut steve off

"no it's fine, it's actually adorable coming from you" eddie smiles at him

steve's face turned red "i said it cause it fits you"

Eddie thought for a moment, does steve harrington actually care for him? or is this just an act? does he actually have a crush on me?

"Eddie are you alright?" steve came up to him, looking down at him

eddie looked up at him "yeah, just a lot on my mind"

"well tell me, what's going on" steve gave Eddie a worried look

Eddie held his tears back "you might wanna sit down for this, it's pretty long"

Steve sat down on the counter as Eddie sat right next to him "so.. I have night terrors, every night about chrissy and my parents. what I saw when chrissy died, traumatized me. I didnt know what to do.. then my parents.. my parents used to be heavily on drugs and called me a fatass and really fucked up shit.. to the point I stopped eating for a while" he tried his best to hold his tears back, but right then and there he broke out in tears

steve pulled Eddie closer to him, giving him a warm tight hug "Ed's you are the most amazing person I have met, and I'm being totally honest. who cares what your parents said? be. who. you. are"

Eddie moved his head to steves chest, sobbing very hard. Steve gently rubbed his head to make him feel soothed. Eddie clench on steves shirt "d- don't tell a- anyone about this.. g- got it?" Eddie looked up at steve

"I would never do that.. I promise you."

ok this book has been soft for a while but I wanted some angst in this because yes what's a book without some angst👍

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