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TW: mentions of bad parenting, and mentions of death

"wh— MAX?" Dustin and Lucas said at the same time.

"yeah stalkers, you guys were worrying Eddie's uncle, he came over to talk to me and asked where Eddie was" max crossed her arms, looking at eddie.

"is he ok?" max looked at all of them.

Eddie had fallen asleep, keeping his grip tight around steve.

"yeah, vecna brought a bad memory in his head" steve looked at max.

"well did you ask him about it?! so then you at least could've known what it was?" max got kinda frustrated

steve looked at the others. "no, none of us asked" Nancy broke the silence

"you morons, you could've at least figured that out" max put her hand on her head, rubbing her head.

"hey it could be personal" Dustin looked at max.

"so what?! if it leads up to us helping him you might've wanted to fucking hear it!"' max pointed at eddie.

eddie had a very tough life. his mom died due to cancer, his dad left him like he was worthless, the only person that took care of him was his uncle. even though his uncle couldn't take care of him often due to his night guard job, he tried his best to have fun with Eddie while he was around during the morning and the afternoon.

while Dustin and max were bickering, erica finally broke them up "can we go home? this place is not lookin' like the hawkins I know, and it smells like shit in here."

they all looked at each other and nodded "it's best we go home now, incase we get attacked by something" Robin looked at everyone.

they all started walking back to Eddie's trailer, one by one, dropping out of the ceiling.

it was finally steve's turn, he was holding Eddie and didn't know if he could do it properly.

"either wake Eddie up or try to do what you did when you flipped into there!" robin yelled up into the big hole in the ceiling.

steve lightly rubbed Eddie's back "Ed's, hey, you just have to get threw here then you can sleep all you want"

Eddie groaned and opened his eyes, squinting them a bit due to the bright light. "hm?.."

"you fell asleep, can you just go threw this really quickly for me? i promise I'll let you sleep once were out of here ok?" steve set eddie down, holding him steady by his shoulders

Eddie rubbed his eyes and nodded, looking at the bed sheet made to be a rope. "do I have to?"

steve looked at eddie and stayed silent for a bit. "I don't wanna accidentally hurt you if I do fall, neither I don't wanna hurt myself either so yes"

eddie nodded his head and climbed the rope, falling on the mattress.

after Eddie got off, steve came down after.

"Eddie you might wanna go see your uncle, he's very worried about you" max crossed her arms and looked at Eddie.

Eddie's eyes widen "he's home? where is he?"

max pointed outside to a bench

Eddie looked out the window, seeing his worried uncle holding a missing poster. he immediately took off his leather jacket and ran outside "UNCLE WAYNE!"

Wayne looked up and saw Eddie, his eyes widen and he stood up, wiping his tears "Eddie my boy!"

Eddie jumped hugged his uncle as Wayne hugged him back.

"I've been so worried about you boy, are you ok?" Wayne asked, breaking the hug and holding Eddie's face

Eddie put his hand on his uncles, leaning into his hand "im fine Wayne, a lot happened"

Wayne smiled and tightly hugged eddie "im so sorry I've been gone for so long my boy.. I had a business trip"

Eddie tightly hugged Wayne back, tearing up a bit "so much happened Wayne, so much.."

Steve came out and sat on a bench away from Eddie and his uncle, looking at how happy they both were to be together. he just remembered that his parents haven't been home in 5 months, he still waited for them to come back. sadly, he didn't think that would happen.

"also uncle.. I have something to tell you" Eddie broke the hug and wiped his tears, looking at his uncle.

"what is it?" Wayne crossed his arms.

"I got a boyfriend! it's someone I'm really happy with.. please don't be mad" Eddie looked down and started fidgeting with his rings

Wayne look at eddie and smiled. "Eddie,why would I be mad at you? you're happy right?"

Eddie nodded and looked up, slightly smiling

"that's all that matters my boy, just be happy! that's all I ask" Wayne put his hand on Eddie's cheek, smiling

Eddie's face lit up and he leaned into his uncles hand. "thank you"

"of course, Eddie" Wayne looked over and saw steve. "is that him over there?"

Eddie looked behind him then back at his uncle, nodding his head.

"good for you eddie!" Wayne frizzed his hair up and laughed. "go hang out with him, tell him that he's glad to stay at the trailer anytime he wants"

eddie smiled and waved goodbye to his uncle, ran over to steve, sitting down next to him.

"what was that about? he looked proud of you" steve asked, nervously picking at his finger nails.

"I told him about us, stevie" Eddie looked at steve and smiled.

Steve's eyes widen. "is he ok with it? did he say anything bad? did h-"

Eddie cut him off. "harrington, he just said as long as I'm happy, he also said your glad to come to are trailer whenever you want"

Steve's resting face, slowly turned into a smile. "really?"

"I wouldn't lie to you, baby" Eddie put his arm around Steve, scouting a bit closer to Steve.

Steve's face turned red at the nickname. "I would love to come over, either way it does get pretty lonely at my house"

"what do you mean? don't your parents live with you?" Eddie slightly tilted his head.

Steve sighed a bit remembering that his parents haven't been home in so long, he forgot what having people over was actually like.

"my parents have been gone for 5 months now, it's like they forgot about me" Steve finally said to Eddie, letting out a big sigh at the end.

"I'm sorry man.. like I said you can come over any time you want" Eddie leaned his head against steve's shoulder.

this shit was 1085- oops😟

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