Chapter 10

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 *Play Master of Puppets by Metallica*

"What are you doing Marlene?" Astra pushed Marlene's hand away from her face as she came closer to her with some black eyeliner. "Oh come on, Astra. I'm making you look hot." Marlene whined, letting her arms drop back to her sides. "Like she wasn't already hot before." Dorcas said walking past the girls as Lily was doing Alice's makeup.

"Dorcas you're on clothing duty, let me handle the makeup." Marlene taunted her, smirking in her direction. "Oh I've got it, honey." Dorcas flirted back. Astra rolled her eyes at the two while laughing and let the girl finish her makeup. "Okay, all done." Marlene stepped back and Dorcas immediately pulled the girl from her chair and into the bathroom while handing her some clothes without even letting her see what Marlene had done.

The pile of clothes looked like something a fan of rock would wear, but not as severe. She got changed and then Lily came into the bathroom to do the girls hair. "How do I look?" Astra questioned, walking out of the bathroom after Lily. The girls were all standing in a line in the middle of the room looking the girl up and down. "We look hot!" Marlene said high fiving the others next to her as Astra walked over to the floor length mirror in the room.

She had to hand it to her friends, she looked good. She felt extra confident in this outfit and couldn't wait to get to Hogsmeade. "Well then, let's go shall we?" Lily asked, Astra turned to smile at her and grabbed her bag before they all headed out of the door and down the stairs to the Great Hall for breakfast. As soon as they walked in the doors everyone's eyes were on them. The group smirked at each other as they walked over to their usual table.

"Looking good girls." Sirius whistled as they sat at the table. "Sod off, you dog." Astra said, defending her friends as Sirius whimpered like a kicked puppy. James couldn't keep his eyes off of the blonde next to him. The black stuff around her eyes brought out the blue in her iris', they were so entrancing. She walked with more confidence and James was loving this new side of her. "Alright there, mate?" Remus asked James, not looking up from his book.

James' head whipped around towards the freckled boy and he coughed for a second, feeling caught. "Uh, yeah. Yeah, I'm alright." James smirked to hide his embarrassment, putting up his confident facade again. Astra looked over at him and he swore his heart stopped beating. "We're going to HoneyDukes, yeah?" Astra questioned. "Uh, hell yeah! You can't go to Hogsmeade and not go to HoneyDukes." Sirius said indignantly.

Suddenly an enchanted parchment folded in the shape of a butterfly flew over to the Marauders' table and landed in front of Astra. The girl picked up and looked around, seeing if she could find the sender. Seeing no one suspicious, she hoped they had signed the inside. She looked at her friends who were staring questioningly at her. "Well don't just sit there, open it!" Remus' outburst scared the girl and the group laughed.

"I swear if that's some love letter from Amos, I'm going to strangle him. He's so obvious with the way he stares at you and every other girl that he's interested in." Sirius rambled in an annoyed tone but Astra ignored him. "Oh so just like you with other girls. Hmm?" James laughed at his friend as Astra used her wand to unfold the paper. She could hear Sirius answer back but wasn't paying attention to them anymore.

Dear Astra Black,

I hope this letter makes it to you before Sirius rips it to shreds. I was wondering if you would want to meet up and hang out for a while at Hogsmeade today? I know you usually stay with your friends but I thought that maybe it was because no one had offered to take you. NOT THAT ANYONE WOULDN'T. Ugh, this sounds ridiculous, I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Please, just get back to me. Have a nice day.


Riham Grey.

The girl laughed lightly at the flustered state of the boy's words. "Oh no, she's giggling. I'm gonna kill Amos I swear." Sirius stood up abruptly but Remus and Peter pulled the angry boy back down into his seat. "It wasn't Amos." Astra laughed at the boy. "Then who was it?" Alice asked softly. "Just this person I met on the train ride here. It's no big deal, they just want to hang out at Hogsmeade today." Astra smiled, pulling out a piece of parchment and writing a response to the boy before sending it back to his table low enough to the ground that her friends couldn't see it.

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