every ending has a beginning

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"y/n, please come down here! we need to talk to
you and Dustin!" my mom hollers from downstairs. "okay,  I'll be down there in a second!" i holler back. i put down my walkman and my notebook, and headed downstairs. "so, i got a new job-" my mom said. Dustin cut her off. "oh my gosh! mom that's amazing!" Dustin said happy for her. "im not finished.." she said with a sigh. i was nervous, i knew it wasn't good.

"it's all the way in hawkins." she said with a voice that knew I was gonna be upset. "wait, that's all the in Indiana..that's like 5,000 miles away?!" i said with a red face. i tried my best to hide it, but I couldn't, I was furious. "hunny, i know that's why I wanted to wait to tell you guys. we are leaving in a week, start packing tonight." my step dad chimed in. i stomped upstairs with a still, red face. "come on y/n, it cant be that bad!" Dustin said following me into my room.

"easy for you to say! you can always be yourself without being judged, but me? no! i always am the "target" for judgment. and what do i do to get hated?" i slammed the door in
Dustin's face. i felt bad. my eyes started tearing up and i slid my body down the wall onto the floor. why is everything changing? why so fast?

eddie,my love🤍Where stories live. Discover now