new friend, new feeling.

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the bell rang and everybody went to their classes. apparently me and eddie had the same class. chemistry. i suck at chemistry but i hoped eddie knew what he was doing. we all sat down and since i was knew, i sat by Eddie. "ok class! today we are gonna be working on a project, yes, you can have partners-" " YES" and "YAY" spread across the room. "BUT" the teacher yelled to quiet the room. "I get to choose them" she said with an evil grin.

"WHAT" and "NO" and "DAMN IT" spread across the room this time. she started pairing up random people. "jack and josh will be partners, anddddd Eddie and y/n will be partners." she said. me and eddie turned to look each other. he had a smile from ear to ear. it was just like dustins. adorable. he's so cute.

me and eddie started working on the project when he spoke up. "so, y/n henderson, what are your interests? you know like your hobbies?" he asked with a grin. "well, eddie munson, i love Metallica, ESPICALLY "Master of the Puppets." i love DND-" he cut me off. "hold on, you, y/n henderson, play DND?!" he yelled, almost the whole class hearing him. "ya, uh it's like one of my favorite things to do." i said giggling.

Eddie's POV:
the bell rings and i start heading to class. i can't get y/n out of my head. she's so funny and sarcastic at the same time. just as i walk into class and sit down, a girl sits next to me, it's y/n. "ok class! today we are going to be working on a project! yes, you can have partners-" the whole class cut her off. "BUT" she screams trying to get the class to shut up. "i will be choosing them" she said with an evil grin.

everybody started screaming. later on she went down a list of partners. "jack and josh will be partners, andddddd eddie and y/n are partners." she said. me and y/n turn to look at each other, i shot her a quick smile. she did the same. we started working on our projects when i decided to say something. "so, y/n henderson, what are some of your interests? you know like hobbies?" i asked. "well, eddie Munson," she giggled.
i can't get over her laugh. she's so cute.

eddie,my love🤍Where stories live. Discover now