The Night of the Ball (Edelgard)

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The moon shone down on the monastery the night of the ball. The students were all dressed in formal evening wear provided by the faculty. The evening wear was black with a golden brown color on the collar as well as the same color striped down, similar to the academy uniform. Male students' evening wear included the pattern on a shirt and pants, while the female students' was more like a dress with sleeves.

When Edelgard entered the ballroom, she could see small pastries and drinks handed out to participants from church staff and even more in the back as well as people doing what the ball was meant for: dancing. The room followed a more yellow and gold theme, almost like the sun since it was dark outside and the ball would end at midnight. The bright lights shone on the dancers, highlighting them.

When Edelgard stepped into the ballroom, many had their attention turned toward her. "It's the imperial princess!" she heard one student say. "May we have a dance?"

"Sure," Edelgard said, accepting the student's request. The student took her to the ballroom floor and the two waltzed, being watched by the other students. She wasn't in love with the student, nor really anyone there, but was willing to dance with them upon request.

Their dance ended off smoothly, with the student letting go of one of her hands. "Good dance, your imperial highness?"

Edelgard nodded. "Yes, of course," she said. "I'm going to go get some pastries. It was a pleasure dancing with you."

"No problem," the student said, letting go of her other hand.

Edelgard went over to the back, where pastries were being served. By no means were they large in any way; they were all smaller and could be eaten probably in one bite or two. Several other students were there, including the Ashen Wolves.

"Ohohoho!" Constance laughed, grabbing a few cupcakes and stuffing them in her mouth. "I know this is quite informal as a noble, but oh I just can't help myself! These were my favorite! I remember my mother making these!"

"Well enjoy it for now, because I've never seen you act like this," Hapi said, taking another and biting off a small piece. "But maybe tone it down a little. I don't want you getting sick or anything. I care about you, Coco."

"I appreciate your concern, but this is something I've been wanting to do ever since the fall of House Nuvelle." She took another few. "Ohohoho!"

"Oh, Constance?" Edelgard said, coming over. "You're at the monastery too?

Constance turned around, shocked to see Edelgard. "Oh, Princess Edelgard!" she said, part of her mouth full of food. "You're a student this year?"

"Yes, I am," Edelgard said. "I'm more shocked to see you here. You survived?"

"I did," Constance said. "I retreated to Abyss, where I've been living ever since. But don't give away Nuvelle territory! I'm going to make a great comeback once and for all, and restore the glory of House Nuvelle!"

"I appreciate your enthusiasm. I'll keep your goals in mind."

"Do you have a date for a dance?"

"No, but I'm willing to dance with anyone upon request. "What about you?"

"I was going to ask Yuri for a dance." Constance pointed to a table, where Yuri and Balthus were seen with other students talking with each other while drinking. "But I think he seems happy like that."

"You can ask him later and dance with me if you'd like," Hapi said. "Or just with me."

"I appreciate that, Hapi," Constance said. "You up for a dance right now?"

"Yeah, sure!" Hapi took Constance's hand and danced with her on the dance floor.

Edelgard chuckled a little bit seeing Constance happy, despite her wondering if she would still be upset regarding her family's tragedy. She looked in front of her to see Byleth. Or at least she thought it was Byleth. He looked the exact same as Byleth, though his eyes and hair were a green-like color. He still wore the same ash cloak that Byleth would usually wear whenever she saw him. She came over to him. "Excuse me, are you Professor Byleth?" she asked. "You look so different."

He turned to her. "Yes, I am Professor Byleth. I know it might be confusing."

"How did your hair color change?"

"Oh, it's just part of my outfit. It's not genetic or anything."

"I see," Edelgard said. "Would you care for a dance, Professor?"

"Why, sure," Byleth replied, taking her hand gently and escorting her to the ballroom floor. "Any preferred style of dance, or would you like to waltz?"

"A waltz is fine," Edelgard said. She put her left arm to her side and held Byleth's hand with her right. Byleth took her hand, then put his other arm around Edelgard's waist and began to waltz. The dance was smooth as Edelgard used her footsteps to glide herself around with Byleth. Edelgard observed Byleth's footwork. "You seem like you've done this before."

"I have. When I was younger, my mother would take me to the ball every year. For most years my father would go, but he was quite busy all the time so we, unfortunately, had to miss a few years when all three of us would come to the ball together. Ever since my mother died, my father and I have gone to the ball every year together. He's running a little late today, though, but nevertheless, he should show up eventually."

"I see. I'm sorry about your mother; I've lost mine as well years ago."

"There's nothing you need to apologize for. It's not like it was your fault or anything like that. But I appreciate your empathy."

The two danced for a little more when Byleth noticed Jeralt. "Hey, kid," Jeralt called. He came in, still wearing his armor from battle as he noticed his son dancing with Edelgard. "I apologize that I'm late. You care for some time for the two of us?"

"Yes, of course." Byleth looked to Edelgard. "Would you like to come with us?"

Edelgard looked at Jeralt. "Oh, sure thing," Edelgard said. "I'd love to get to know you. It's nice to meet you, Blade Breaker Jeralt."

"Nice to meet you too, Princess Edelgard," Jeralt said to her. "Come join us for some drinks and some snacks. We'd love to get to know you."

"Sure thing," Edelgard said, following Byleth and his father.

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