The Rite of Rising (Aelfric)

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Aelfric was leading the bandits, who grabbed the four Ashen Wolves and were taking them to the Chalice. They made a cut on their shoulders to draw and drain their blood with magic. All were terrified when seized, except for Yuri, who just smirked.

Aelfric noticed Yuri's smirk. "Yuri, what's that for?" he asked.

"The knights are releasing my people as I speak," Yuri replied.


"You know who. The ones you locked up before the mission."

"How did you know about— The Knights of Seiros?!"

Yuri laughed. "Told you that the whole villain thing doesn't exactly suit you! I know it was you who sent me on that mission that would ultimately land me in Abyss. Your execution was lacking. Lady Rhea has been getting on to your plans as well— I've been working for her before I began working for you. She had me keep an eye on you. I would be telling her anything I found suspicious of you."


"You took the people I care the most about hostage. My mother, the other Ashen Wolves, my gang... All to ensure that I wouldn't betray you. Because my allies' lives were on the line, I struggled with telling her everything or not. I waited for the chance that I could to rescue them. After all, I could only rely on deliberating while paying lip service to you. Now, you pulled in all of your forces to perform this ritual. You're no villain if you can't think things through and see the errors within your plans."

"So you were one step ahead of me all this time," Aelfric laughed. "Unfortunately for you, the ritual has already begun. Just a little bit longer, and you will all die. There's nothing much that you can do about it. However, you kept me abreast of all the Wolves' movements. I'll gladly hear your final words for being such a good student in my flock."

Yuri laughed. "Aelfric, if you truly knew me then you'd know these won't be my final words. I'm just biding my time."

"For what?"

The bells began to ring.

"Do you hear the Goddess?"

"Bells? This late at night?"

"She's coming. That's the sound of your demise."

The Knights of Seiros, led by Byleth and Jeralt, burst in with Yuri's gang. The gang members fought off the bandits Aelfric allied with. One bandit went over to Yuri and cut the rope that tied him, setting him free. Yuri then did the same to the other Ashen Wolves.

"No, no! Not when I was this close!"

Byleth came over to the Ashen Wolves. "Come on! We're gonna get you out of here! Rhea is on her way!"

"Ugh, we're freed and blood is still being drained from us?" Constance whined.

"Well, that wasn't part of the plan," Yuri laughed slightly.

"What? There's nothing to laugh about!"

"Constance, stop panicking. I'm never unprepared."

"Well, you must have a secret plan to help us out of here, huh? I can hear it running my way!"

Byleth came closer to Aelfric and pointed his sword toward his neck. Aelfric looked at him. "Byleth? You would raise your sword against me?"

"You are threatening the lives of four innocents. Why would I not?"

Aelfric could see Jeralt's glare as he watched his son confront him.

"But your mother lies here, waiting for us! She's waiting for you after being dead for over a decade! Don't you want her back?"

Jeralt looked beyond Aelfric to see his wife's body. "Kid, you weren't lying when you said her body was in Abyss. Is Aelfric trying to freak us out?"

"Captain Jeralt, there's no room for doubt. I know her better than everyone— even you. This is her. She married Jeralt over twenty years ago, and died ten years ago."

"But she's in pristine condition. How do you expect me to believe that it's truly her when she's been dead for such a long time?"

"As I said previously, I know her appearance better than anyone else. This is truly her. Incredible, isn't it? She's perfectly preserved. Bountiful and ageless, there must be some secret here that only she knows. Strange, is it not? Ever since I saw Rhea walk in here and give Sitri a valerian, I wanted to uncover the riddle of her frozen-in-time body. I have worked tirelessly and I think that the Chalice should successfully bring her back to life."

"But—" Jeralt was cut off by Rhea coming into the corridor.

"Aelfric, that's enough!" she demanded.

"Rhea!" Aelfric was shocked. "I saw you here awhile ago giving Sitri a valerian with her frozen-in-time body, telling her that you would harm her child! What have you done to her? Why is she frozen in time? Why does her body remain, yet not her spirit?"

"I have no words on the matter, nor do I owe you any," Rhea said. "But I will tell you that she accepted her death. When she came close to her final hour, she told me to just let her die. She was so frail that nothing could work. I respected her will and nothing more. I viewed her just like I do you, Aelfric— as a child of my own. Now, cease this!"

Aelfric laughed. "Do you really expect me to believe you? After I've seen you lie before her, and now you tell me you don't owe any words? I'm finished with you! All that's needed is to perform the ritual!"

"I told you to cease this! What do you not understand?"

"Aelfric, on Rhea's behalf, I also demand you to stop," Byleth said sternly. "I know you've done a lot for my parents and me, but that doesn't necessarily mean I won't separate your head from your neck in order to stop you."

Aelfric ignored him and went before Sitri's body. "The Chalice has already been filled with hopefully enough blood."

"Aelfric, the Chalice can neither return her soul nor bring her back to life," Rhea said persuasively.

"Please, you must stop," Byleth added.

"Be not afraid, everyone," Aelfric said. "Today, Miss Sitri returns to us. Perhaps I am not an equal man to Jeralt, but I will always be at your side, Sitri. The time has come." Performing the ritual, instead of Sitri returning back to life, Aelfric transformed into a beast, fusing with Sitri's body to create it."

"No!" Jeralt exclaimed. "The Chalice absorbed both of them!"

"Sitri!" the monster called. "Sitri!"

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