014: someone to you

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𝐣𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐞'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐯:

i haven't gone to school for 3 days, thanksgiving break is coming up and i might just stay home until after break.

luke has been coming into my room still or i go into his, i'm pretty sure the boys are getting suspicious. i don't even know what's going on with us, how would they know?

"julie! come downstairs please!" my dad yelled, he's been home all day which is surprising.

"hi papi, what's up?" i asked him. he was in the kitchen at the island, tons of papers around him.

"i need to talk to you. it's about carlos," he sighed, looking up from a paper in his hand.

"um.. okay? what about?" i sat down next to him.

he sighed and said "i think we need to move him to a more secure hospital. the one here isn't good for him since he's a kid. the best one.. well it's in tennessee"

"what? are we moving?" i asked him, standing up. i don't want to move. what would happen to the boys?

"no julie. we aren't moving. i have cousins who live there and i think i'm going to transfer him. and stay there with them. i trust you to stay here by yourself because you have the guys, tia is only a 10 minute drive away, and flynn is down the street. are you okay with that?" he asked me.

"well.. i guess? i mean, i want what's best for carlos. what about thanksgiving? dad, that's only in like two weeks"

"i can fly you out to tennessee if you would like to spend it with us. or you could stay and have dinner with your tia" he smiled sadly at me.

i could see it in his eyes, he had already made the decision. he's going. i mean, carlos will get better then, right?

"um yeah. i think it's a good idea. so carlos can get better" i smiled back at him.

"i'm glad we're on the same page mija, the doctors in tennesee actually have the devices to get the tumor out of your brothers brain"

"that's good. when do you leave?"

"um.. sunday" he mumbled.







he seen the panicked look on my face. "i'm sorry julie. honestly, i was going to do this whether you agreed or not. and sunday is the only flight i can get. we can spend all day today together, tomorrow, and saturday. i leave at 4am sunday morning" he stood up.

"um well i had plans with luke today.. and flynn tomorrow. can we hang out all day saturday? i really don't want to cancel my plans with my friends. and it's not like you're leaving forever.. right?" i asked him.

he nodded his head, gave me a hug and kissed my head. "thank you for being so understanding julie" he said before he went to his bedroom.

i stood in the kitchen for a few minutes just thinking.

tennessee? that's a ways away.

but carlos will get better.. right?

i hope so.

after i thought for a bit, i went upstairs to my room. luke was laying on my bed.

"hey luke" i smiled at him, walking to my closet.

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