Ditching Class.

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Today was another running day in pe, and Y/n didn't have any hope that he would be getting a good grade.

Y/n jogged around the grass field with sweat dripping all over his body, it was October but it was strangely hot. The running made it worse than it already was. For a second, he stopped and gasped for air, he felt like he was on the verge of dying.

"L/n, hurry it up!! 3 more laps!!" shouted his pe teacher. He wiped off sweat from his face and started running again.

"Aughh I hate pe.." Y/n mumbled as he passed by a certain curly head.

"Y/n!!" Eddie said with a raspy voice.

Y/n looked behind him to see the curly head, "Hey Eddie! Pe really is the worst, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I feel you." Eddie caught up to the boy. "Anyways, It's almost over! 3 more laps huh..."

"We've already done like 10 or more, I swear Mr. Kavinsky hates us.."

Eddie laughed, "Hey, wanna ditch after this class? It's only 3rd period, like anyone would care anyway."

Y/n looked at Eddie and smirked, "Hell yeah! But we gotta finish these laps or we're getting a bad grade."

"Pfft, I already have bad grades this wouldn't affect it."

"Hey, you should at least try! Come on Munson!" Y/n grabbed Eddie's wrist and dragged Eddie with him as he ran faster, "I won't let you get anything lower than a C today!! Myself as well!"

Eddie smiled, "Fine fine!"


The duo finally finished their last lap and checked in with their teacher. They walked to the locker rooms while they talked, "God, that was a shit ton of laps. I already lost count!"

"I feel like I'm dying right now, damn Kavinsky."

The two went to their locker which were coincidentally not only in the same row, but only a few lockers apart. "I never noticed we were in the same row..."

"I just always come in late, that's why you never see me!"

Eddie took off his pe shirt to reveal his chest. Y/n looked down and smirked, "Nice abs Munson." He said this as he took off his own shirt and pointed at his chest, "Personally I don't got any, teach me? Seems like you're my teacher for everything now."

"Oh well, it'll take a while for earn abs like these sweet babies."

"Can I touch them...?" Y/n smiled nervously as he said that, "For research purposes, you know! I need to know what my abs should feel like haha!"

Eddie looked down at his abs then at the blushing Y/n, "Oh of course, research purpo- Y/n!" He flinched at how sudden Y/n reached for his abs. He had some type of feeling of pleasure showing on his face and a cheesy grin plastered on it. Shit, that feels nice. You got biceps I could feel?"

Eddie raised his eyebrow in question, "Yeah.. you want to touch that too?"

"Hell yeah, thanks Munson!"

Eddie watched as the strange shirtless male touched his body. He blushed whenever he touched him, his hands felt soft. At last, Y/n hugged him. "Munson, you never told me about your body. Your girlfriend must be very lucky!"

"Actually I don't have a girlfriend.."

"Future girlfriend then!"

"Y/n..." Eddie looked at Y/n, "Huh, what're looking at me for- Oh..."

He sighed and he pulled his shorts down and dressed himself. Y/n did the same as he watched Eddie curiously, and not in a perverted way he claims.

Y/n wore whatever he could find at home, which today was random khaki cargo shorts, a plain white tee, a black jacket which he tied around his hips, a bandana he kept in case, and white converse.

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