Our Homecoming Dance.

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Y/n wore his headphones as he hopped off bike, and locked it to the bike rack. He walked into the school where the hallways were crowded, he smiled as "Take on Me" by a-ha played on his walkman.

He arrived at his locker and spun around the lock to whatever his locker code was. Once he opened it, a small paper slipped out of the locker and fell to the ground. He picked it up and read the note, which said "Y/n L/n, come to homecoming with me?"

At first Y/n thought, 'Why would somebody ask me to Homecoming? I'm not that special' Then read who it was from.. 'The Person on Your Right'. At first Y/n looked left, but he realized it was left, then he looked right as his song was ending.

In front of him was a special certain curlyhead. He wasn't like other curlyheads, he was Eddie Munson. He took off his headphones to be able to hear what he was saying. "So, Y/n L/n? Will you come to homecoming with me? As friends of course!!"

Y/n smiled, "Of course I will. You're picking me up though, you did ask me." Eddie nodded, "Alright, it'll just be a little casual school dance. It's nice we get to go together!"

"Yeah, you're gonna have prom like 5 times at the least." Y/n chuckled.

"Hey! I have my hopes high that I'll graduate this year." Eddie exclaimed.

"I'm not sure how that will turn out, but I'm rooting for you. You can do it, just work hard and actually try!!!" Y/n smiled, "That's what gets me through the days."

"I'll take your silly advice. See where it gets me!" Eddie said.

Y/n took his books out of his locker and put some stuff from his backpack in his locker, placing his books in the backpack. He then slammed the locker. "Hey Eddie, since we're going to homecoming we should probably practice that slow dance. I mean after we have fun and all, we can do the slow dance with the other dozens of couples. Except we're not a couple!"

"Yeah, it'll be fun. I've never slow danced with anybody!"

"Same here, guess we're each other's first times.." Y/n smiled, "Just as friends though.."

Eddie nervously scratched his neck, "Yeah. Just friends."

The bell rang and the two looked at each other, "Well, I gotta get to class. See you in second period Eddie." Y/n waved goodbye and headed to his first period.

He entered the room and sat in his seat in the back row. His friends turned around to greet him, "What's up Y/n! Homecoming's pretty soon.." Lucas said.

"Oh, so you're thinking of asking Max? Sorry but she isn't saying yes." Y/n grinned. Lucas looked away.

"Well none of us have dates. El moved away so I can't go with her. And Dustin's girlfriend is in Utah. And you, well you're you." Mike smirked, "I don't think you'll ever get a date. You're the only one out of us who hasn't gotten a girlfriend."

Y/n looked at Mike and blew a raspberry, "Shut your ass up. I do indeed have a date!!" The boys all looked at him in shock, their forever single friend had gotten a date to homecoming?! "Who's this mystery girl that wanted to go out with you??" Dustin gasped, "Oh my gosh, Y/n has a date!!"

"Ay, shut up! It's just as friends, I'm going with Eddie. Nothing more, alright? He isn't a girl." Y/n explained, "I bet I could get a romantic date anyway."

They laughed, they didn't think he could. Their teacher finally came in and they all turned around to face the front, "Hello class today we'll be learning about..."

Y/n didn't hear what else she said because he zoned out. This class was pretty boring.


It was now Y/n's period 3, pe. Today, they were going to be playing football. At least, it wasn't running!!

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