13 : Sick

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Log 6 : So... remember the small mess with E-1 up I mentioned last log? It... hasn't gone too well. As of recently, she hasn't been processing food properly. As in, nothing goes completely down, instead coming back up. This is a problem, as she can't gain proper nutrition. E-1 didn't take long to realize the problem, and has stopped eating entirely.

I've taken E-1 into a different room temporarily with an IV in hopes of it maintaining her health. This may also help with studying S-3's new behavior, as he and J-2 haven't had many interactions, usually staying silent when E-1 goes out. Maybe a longer time alone will get them to interact.

All I hope is that E-1's stomach bug, or whatever has caused the recent issues, goes away or can be removed in due time. I can't let her die, she'll let the search team know I'm behind the disappearances.

I won't let her die. I won't let any of them die.


Lightbulb walked out of the white room with Test Tube, careful not to step the wrong way. Her stomach was still hurt, though it wasn't too bad. The walking wasn't helping though, sending small spikes of pain through her at random.

Surprisingly, Test Tube took a different turn than usual. They weren't going to the operation room this time, were they? Lightbulb didn't say anything as they continued through the lab, though her stomach felt worse by the moment.

Eventually Test Tube entered a room with a bed in it. It looked like a proper operation room, not the one Test Tube would always use instead. Lightbulb took a couple more steps to the bed before sitting down on it, giving her already hurt stomach a break.

She noticed a number of things on the table next to her, all within reach. There were some colored pencils, paper, a book, a 4-by-4 color cube, and a sandwich in a container.

"You're going to have to stay here while I figure out what's wrong with your stomach." Test Tube explained, tapping her feet. "You'll go back to the White Room once the problem is solved, this isn't permanent." Lightbulb nodded along, still mostly looking at the table.

"Now, for safe measure, I'm going to have to do this." Test Tube walked over to Lightbulb by the table. She grabbed something from underneath the table and brought it to Lightbulb's wrist, snapping around it. It was a lot like the metal binds at the operation room, though it was connected to a wire that led to under the bed. "If the wire's connection to the bracelet is cut off in any way, I will get a notification, so don't try anything."

Test Tube put one more bracelet on Lightbulb's other wrist before walking out of the room, leaving her alone. Lightbulb lifted her hands in the air, testing to see how long the wires were. Neither of them pulled. She could still move around well, though they didn't seem to be long enough to get off the bed. Well, may as well get comfortable.

She grabbed the book and looked at the front. It had its cover taken off, so it was only a black page. She opened the book, and the rest of it seemed in-tact. Lightbulb wasn't much of a reader, though she had the closest thing to all the time in the world now, didn't she?

She opened the book and began quietly reading.


Test Tube popped out of the vending machine, dusting herself off before walking back towards the more populated area of the island. Unsurprisingly, not many people hung out in the middle of the forest. That's why she had chosen to set up her laboratory there.

She figured she'd look at the library. Although the island was small, the library was fairly big, especially considering the population of mostly contestants. She was sure someone had put some medical books in there somewhere, right? If not, she'd just have to look online.

The forest thinned as she got closer to the library, eventually becoming the field most of the contestants crossed regularly. Hotel OJ came into view quickly, towering over the admittedly short trees. Test Tube walked in, not gaining much attention. Not that she was expecting anything though.

As she walked to the library, she noticed the medbay's door was open. Now that she thought about it, she had never been there. She had crossed paths with it so many times, though never actually looked inside. Now feeling curious, Test Tube cracked open the door.

It was a fairly simple nurse's office layout, most of the cots being empty. Key word : most. Tissues sat at the end of the room, staring out the window absentmindedly. He had an oxygen mask over his mouth. Test Tube thought about it for a moment.

He was here because of his condishawn. He always was. It was more likely for him to be in the medbay than his room, or even the hotel lobby due to how bad the symptoms could get. Test Tube couldn't help but feel bad. All of this because he was born with some off codes of DNA?

She stood at the doorway for a little while longer. It was marked incurable by doctors. There had been many attempts to create something to help it, but the only successful medications only reduced some of the symptom's severity.

Test Tube was a scientist though. A very active one who didn't tend to limit herself to certain fields. And now her curiosity was on the rise. Maybe she could...

Not now. She still had to collect information on S-3 and fix E-1's stomach issues. She had enough work already, especially while balancing hanging out with the few friends she did have at Hotel OJ to avoid being under suspicion. But the idea existed in her mind, sitting there in a lump. She walked away and continued her journey, though didn't stop the thoughts going through her head.

What she didn't know is that somebody saw her staring at Tissues through the doorway.

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