27 : Information

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"Yeah, he's letting people go out now, but just to get supplies. It's heavily monitored as well, he's really taking this whole thing seriously." Fan said. "Not that that's a bad thing of course! It's a good thing, obviously, it's just inconvenient for us. I mean, I haven't seen you in... how long now? Two weeks?"

"Well if it's August 2nd, and Hotel OJ went on lockdown July 18th, that would be just over two weeks." Test Tube said, doing the math in her head. She was sitting on her bedroom desk's chair, her phone angled to show her on its camera. On the phone was Fan, on a video call with her. As much as she preferred talking in real life, since body language was much easier to read when you could actually see the person's body, this would have to do for now.

"No, wouldn't that be exactly two weeks? Cause if 18+12 is 30 and you add 2 more for it being August 2nd it'd be 14 which-"

"Fan, July has 31 days, not 30." Test Tube said, cutting him off.

"Oh. Well that doesn't really matter, does it? It's still been a while since we've seen each other in person. It's just been so gloomy here lately!" Fan complained, the camera showing him pouting.

"When is Paper saying he'll take the hotel off lockdown? We'll be able to meet then at least."

"He's saying once the culprit is caught, but knowing him, he might cave in early and put down some of the precautions before then."

"Interesting..." Test Tube said, thinking aloud to herself. "Well, you're helping out the search team a little, right? If the search team has any luck, then we'll be back together in no time! Speaking of which, how's that going?"

"Oh, the search team? Well, they've had a new addition since Trophy disappeared." Fan said casually.

"They have?" Test Tube said, a bit surprised. "They were quick to replace him, huh?"

"Oh no, she's not a replacement! At least I don't think so. She asked to join after he disappeared saying that she thinks she knows something about who it might be. She says it's someone outside of the hotel. In fact, at first she said it was you! Isn't that crazy, you being the culprit? You have a solid alibi for all five cases!" Fan rambled.

"Why would I do it?" Test Tube said, laughing it off. "Plus, I think that's the exact definition of a replacement. Who is she anyway?"

"Surprisingly, Pepper!" Fan chimed. Alright, now that caught Test Tube off guard.

"Pepper? Hasn't she just been gossiping about the situation with Salt this whole time? Gee, she's the last person I'd expect to join."

"I know right? But she's actually taking it seriously! I'd be impressed, but it's completely throwing off everything I know about her! She went as far as to move to a seperate room from Salt's, which is absolutely nothing like her character!"

"Hey, calm down, take a breather." Test Tube said, putting her hands up. "Things change, Fan."

"I know, I know." Fan sighed. "It was just unexpected, y'know? A change of events."

"Yeah, I'm shocked too. But-"

"Fan, please stop leaving your weird pillows lying around." Said Paintbrush's voice, though they weren't in the frame of the camera. "And dinner's ready, so come downstairs once you're ready."

"I'll be right there!" Fan shouted out before turning back to Test Tube. "Sorry Test Tube, gotta go. We can continue talking later if you want!"

"No, I think this is a fine note to end on. Have a nice lunch!" Test Tube said with a smile.

"Well, if you say so. See you later!" Fan said before he ended the call. Test Tube turned her phone off and pocketed it. She walked out of her room and into the rest of the lab.

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