34 : Boarding

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Log 11 : August 17th, 3:00 A.M.

Everything went so wrong. I thought my extra precautions were enough, but no. S-3 is dead. Mephone4 is going to revive him tomorrow. He'll tell everyone, and this experiment will end. It'll be my final experiment.

Trophy's back in his original room thanks to his involvement with OJ's death. I'm moving T-4 to the main subject rooms soon, with his medication of course. I'm also escorting Pepper back, although she has a new injury. I never got to complete the test.

I don't want to let everything go to waste. Everything I worked so hard on, everything I pushed myself to do. For answers, for science.

...No, this isn't for science anymore. Not what I'm about to do next, anyways. What I'm doing next is for myself. It's selfish, sure, but this whole project was. And that selfishness isn't going to be for nothing.

This project isn't going to end yet, not if I have anything to say about it.


Pepper blinked her eyes open, light consuming her vision. She let her eyes adjust to it, looking around. God she had a headache... She tried to pull her hand up to hold her forehead, but it rammed straight into metal, making her wake up. She looked down at her hands, still trapped on the table.

Test Tube sat across from her, writing something on a laptop. She looked across the room to Pepper, finishing a couple more words before shutting the device. Pepper had an ungodly amount of questions, but couldn't ask anything as Test Tube sat up and walked over. She pressed a button on the table's control panel and the binds came undone.

Where were the others? Pepper looked around, but didn't see a single other object besides Test Tube and herself. She stepped down from the table, trying to observe the room a little better now that she could see all of it.

Test Tube didn't seem to have the time for it, grabbing Pepper's arm and dragging her to the door. Pepper stumbled behind, but caught up after a moment. She would've loved to make a rude remark at that moment, but she obviously couldn't.

The walk was a lot like the one to the room, but a different path. At least Pepper thought it was a different path, her memory was a little fuzzy. She put her hand to her head now that she could, and was surprised to find a rough line wrapping around her head. She felt around it, almost forgetting to walk as she did.

During the walk, she had a lot of time to think. What had happened? Where were OJ and Trophy? What happened to her head? Why was Test Tube so irritated? So many questions, and not a way to ask a single one. Not to anyone who'd have the answers, at least.

They stopped in front of a door, one that took keys to unlock. Test Tube twisted the keys into the hole, swinging the door open. She dragged Pepper in with her, but made her stand to the side.

"T-4, wake up." She said, walking over to a bed against the wall. She shook a lump in the blankets, and Tissues slowly peeked out from the covers. "We're going to a different room."

Tissues looked confused, but nodded anyway. She undid the bracelets around his wrists and backed away for a moment, letting him slide out of bed. He grabbed a container of pills from the bedside table and walked towards Pepper. He didn't even try to hide the look of surprise on his face as he caught sight of her injuries.

They left just as quickly as they came. For whatever reason, Test Tube was in a hurry, speed-walking through the halls. Tissues had a bit of a struggle keeping up, but managed. "Can you slow down a little? I can't keep up." Tissues asked. Pepper couldn't help but notice how his voice wasn't as nasally as she remembered.

"No." Test Tube said bluntly, swiping her keycard on another door before walking in. She refused to talk about it after that, rushing through the laboratory.

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