.1. Nothing ever goes as planned

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WARNING: Viktor is referred to Vanya by Diego, Because this is before everyone knew, and he introduces himself as Vanya, seeing as he has yet to come out to anyone, it is only mentioned twice before I change back to Viktor! Esme will refer to Viktor as 'Them/They' until she learns his actual pronouns! I mean no disrespect to the trans community, If this is offensive please tell me! The last thing I want to do is upset someone.

WARNING: Viktor is referred to Vanya by Diego, Because this is before everyone knew, and he introduces himself as Vanya, seeing as he has yet to come out to anyone, it is only mentioned twice before I change back to Viktor! Esme will refer to Vikt...

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Everyone introduced themselves to the brunette, getting to the one that Esme found the most attractive "and that is Vanya." The one that introduced himself as Diego said.

"I believe they can speak for themself." Esme responded.

"Why do you keep saying 'They'?" The question came from Luther, Esme could already tell that he was the most oblivious sibling of them all.

"Because I don't know their pronouns, and I'm not going to assume based off their looks." Esme stated as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Ignoring our sister," Marcus started, making Esme shoot him a bird "you have thirty seconds to get out of our house." He continued, ignoring the brunette.

"And if we don't?" Sass rolled off the question, Allison crossing her arms, and looking questioningly at Marcus.

"We'll have to settle this the old fashioned way." Marcus said, flirting with the line between peace and violence.

"Look, we just fought a literal army, okay? This doesn't need to get ugly." The one who still has no name, at least in Esme's books, spoke. She watched them glance between each of her siblings, trying to reason with them.

"Let's all just calm down, and let's talk." They went too say before the one Esme has known to be Klaus interrupted.

Esme kind of zoned out, thinking of every possible outcome a fight between the fourteen could lead too. Being pulled from her thoughts, before her mind could go into overdrive, by Ben punching Klaus and sending him over the coffee table.

"If you break that table Ben, I'm making you buy a new one." Esme said, being ignored as Luther and Ben began to argue, Alphonso jumping in for a quick second.

Marcus pushed Luther back, trying to get him away from Ben, before Luther threw a punch, one that Marcus easily ducked under. Marcus' leg came up, hitting right in the center of Luther's chest, sending him flying back into Klaus.

Everyone split up, Esme watching Reginald leave with a huff of distain. She was never the biggest fan of her 'Father' but he gave her a home and Food so she couldn't complain to much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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