+-Chapter Two, 'Writing with one another.'+-[7/12/22-

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Velvet felt vulnerable, using his arm to wipe the tears from his eyes and shaking himself before nodding. He smiled as Laika backed up and allowed him to stand. "Thank you..." Velvet murmured. "Anything for the young master, Heir of the residency." He smiled in return. Slowly walking over to the door. he placed his hand on the handle and opened the door motioning for Velvet to follow. Again there was still work that had to be done. With all this gloomy and stressful atmosphere it certainly wouldn't help him. 

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The two made their way back up the stairs, Laika rand his hand along the railing as he walked. He often spent most of his time helping the young master as they were around the same age and for sure he would understand Velvet better than many other butlers would. It was easy for the two to be more aquatinted, Closer even. 

"Well, m' lord! Is there anything you want me to do while you do your desk work?" Laika mentioned, Standing near the door. He rarely walked all the way into Velvet's room. He was more customed to standing at least three feet or so away from the door. Never any farther. "No, If you would like to you can come in and sit down on the bed for while I work." Velvet replied, Picking up his pen from his desk before sitting down in his chair. 
"Are you entirely sure?" Laika asked, He had never really been invited in fully unless it was to grab something for the slightly younger person.

"Yes." He answered simply, Hearing the tap of Laikas shoes on the hardwood flooring as he walked further into the room, Carefully sitting down on the other bed, Holding his hands in his lap as he sat. Laika watched Velvet write random sentences, and quotes from books; Entirely he had mainly forgotten what he was supposed to do and started to make up a story of his own. A small drabble on paper. Perhaps he would continue to write the story every day, and see where it took him. The story was mainly about his desires, wants, and needs put into a work of fiction for others to enjoy later on in life. If he wasn't to be the one to take over the company perhaps he could become an author, and write books for those who craved books. 
Laika kicked his feet slightly, the room was too quiet for him to really seem all too comfortable. 

Velvet handed Laika a piece of paper it was folded neatly as if it were supposed to be some sort of surprise book to read, and watch unfold, literally and figuratively. "Do you want me to read it? or keep it safe until you're done?" Velvet turned his head to look at him, raising a brow. Had he really just asked for permission to read a small drabble? Velvet thought, Shaking his head before opening his mouth to reply. "Yes, If I hand you something you have my permission to read it, Unless told not to when I had you it." Laika lowered his head, before unfolding the piece of paper, He could hear the chair creak slightly as Velvet re-adjusted, and got back to work writing who knows what. Laika slowly read the writing that he help so carefully in his hands. 

"Evil spirits quiver in the moonlight they are those who keep calling out your name in the dark night. Drawn out by this to wonder when death itself will wander towards you, Asking for your forgiveness. Though how are we to expect others to forgive us, Or them even then? They nor' do we not attempt to deny the truth, of one's fate and their fate alone. As that is the real beauty of death."

Laika was stunned, He folded the paper back up as neatly as he could, Pressing down on the folds to make sure they were tight so the paper wouldn't open on its own. When he finished he carefully placed the paper back onto the other desk, Leaning forward in the process. 

"M'lord, Do you have something on your mind?" Laika spoke up finally. 

"Yes, But I doubt it'll concern you anymore. You've already helped with that matter quite a lot today." Velvet finished, Leaning back in his chair as he turned his head to look over at his friend, Who still sat pretty neatly on the side of the bed. Perhaps this time he would finally get a day of no troubles. Oddly enough he felt comforted just by the presence of the other male; It was different but he didn't seem to deny the comfort. . .

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