+-Chapter Three, 'Rain.'+ [7/13/22]

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"Yes, But I doubt it'll concern you anymore. You've already helped with that matter quite a lot today." Velvet finished, Leaning back in his chair as he turned his head to look over at his friend, Who still sat pretty neatly on the side of the bed. Perhaps this time he would finally get a day of no troubles. Oddly enough he felt comforted just by the presence of the other male; It was different but he didn't seem to deny the comfort. . .

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The two sat in a quiet manner. Laika fiddled with his fingers as he looked around his, young master's room. "How so?" He finally spoke up, Turning his head back to the other. 

"What can I say, You've helped plenty enough today. First, this morning when I, needed to get ready for the meeting with my parents in the sitting room, and back in the sitting room itself when it finished. Without a doubt, I shouldn't worry you anymore today." He answered turning to meet Laika's gaze, He could only shrug.  Brushing the words off of his shoulders as if they were just dust. "And what type of friend, Would I be if I weren't?" Laika questioned, Tapping the desk with his pointer finger as he waited for a response from His grace. "I'm afraid I cannot think of how you'd act, Or react to such." Velvet muttered, Crossing his arms over his chest as he huffed in defeat. 
"So, What's on your mind then m'lord?" Laika spoke smoothly, Taking his time to draw his hand back from the Desk to brush the hair away from his eyes. Velvet sat there for a few moments, before getting up from his chair. He pushed the chair back into the desk so it would be out of the way before sitting next to his friend. "I'm worried about Miss Ebony, And all the possible outcomes of our preset wedding... -- I wonder if she too is stressed over it, Or if she even wants to get married." Velvet stated, Looking down at the hardwood floor. He almost flinched at Laika's touch.   

"There's not much to be worried about Velvet, If she doesn't want to go through with it, You two could always get married and address each other are friends or of close relation, Noting below and nothing above." Laika tried to reason with him, It didn't seem all too bad when he had mentioned it to him. Perhaps he could go with that plan if Miss Ebony felt the same way. 

"You never fail to show some Solace to those who need it." Velvet mentioned, Pausing before continuing with his rants. "Yet, If she wishes for the wedding to go on, And she does perhaps want a family or to be something of higher grace would it be disrespectful? Towards her? -- Would I drown her expectations in a puddle of shame?" Velvet pressed on, and Laika huffed in response, covering Velvet's mouth with his hand before speaking. 
"Velvet, If you continue to put salt in your wounds will it ever get better? Do you have to be a flower that's wilting in the sunlight? -- There's nothing to worry about, when the time comes I'll be sure to help you along the way, Along with her grace, Ebony." 

Velvet looked away from the other male, Placing his hand on Laika's knee. "You, never fail to use your words against my depressing figure." He mentioned, Letting his gaze finally meet Laika's pools of green hue. Laika nodded, taking the young master's words as a compliment. "It's my job is it not?" He joked, grabbing Velvet's hand and slowly getting up from the bed itself. Velvet sat confused by Laik's actions.
"Velvet, Seems the sky really did cry on your behalf. It's raining..." He muttered turning the top half of his body towards the window as if it was becoming the young man to sit and watch the rain fill the dirt road again, Or to even perhaps sit outside and get misted by the rain from the porch. "Velvet, You should watch the rain, I know that you've always liked the way it danced in the wind." Velvet nodded, Standing up. As soon as the other stood Laika let go of his hand and stepped backward. "Would you like me to fetch you any tea? Or would you just like to watch the rain without it?" Laika asked, Giving the other a small bow. 

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