Chapter 29

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"So you four must be wondering why I have called you hear", Aaron says.
We all nod in unison. We were all out at the beach, playing with Michaela's siblings when we were summoned to the house. Michaela, Robert, Yasha and I sit around the coffee table. I fiddle with my hair, as I always do when I am anxious. I can see that everybody is, actually. Even Dominique and Dylan. Michaela's parents enter the room. "Is it time?" Mr. Whites asks. "It sure is", Aaron replies. "We, have decided that you can't carry along like this." Michaela gasps. "As in, like a group?" Robert holds her hand tightly. "No, no, no. I mean, frolicking around without any education!" Aaron tuts. "You mean, we have to go back to school", Yasha asks. "Yes." "Well, here's the thing, we can't", Robert says. "Not after the dance". Aaron shakes his head. "The only reason you and Yasha went to Silver Creek was to get Zephyr. And now that you have done that, you don't need to continue learning all that". "What do you mean?" "He means to say that you have been enrolled in Zelda's school for magical beings", Dylan says. Michaela gasps again. "But how can I go?" She looks at me worriedly. "We spoke to Ms. Zelda's great great great great great granddaughter. She says that you can study magic and learn to protect yourself first. Then you can do work in the research department". "Like you had always wanted", Mrs. Whittes says. That much was true. Michaela would do anything to get a little more information. Research was her middle name. She squeals with delight. "You guys start school tomorrow".
Later that evening, Micks, Yasha, Robbert and I sit in our bedroom. Dominique had made some raspberry sorbet for us to cool off from the heat. All four of us had very different approaches to joining Zelda's school for magical beings:
Michaela: "Oh my god! This is so exciting! I can't wait for school tomorrow!"
Robert: "We have to figure out what classes we have... And more importantly which ones we have together".
Yasha: "Guys calm down. It's just another school. We'll work it out tomorrow".
Me: *tries not to have an anxiety attack*
The three of them all have 2 things in common:
a) they are all ver social and make friends easily
b) they've all changed schools before
I was brought up in Silver Creek. My childhood was entirely in that school. I have no clue how to handle a new school filled with... Well people like me. While the three of them gobble down their sorbet, my mind shoots out questions: what if nobody talks to me? What if my magic is too weak compared to theirs? What if I'm made an outcast?
That night, when all three of them are asleep, I get tired of tossing and turning so I quietly sneak out of the room. I get myself a glass of cool milk and sit at the table. The light turns on and Dominique walks in. "Can't sleep?"
"I used to do the milk thing too. Always worked".
I smile at her.
"Here Aaron asked me to give this to you", she says, handing me a letter. I mumble a thanks and unfold the paper.
Dear Zephyr,
I realized very late that you had never switched schools before. I know, it seems very tormenting but honestly, it's no big deal. It's like shifting homes. You had no problem here when you came from Silver Creek. So think of it as going to a second home. A daily vacation. I wish I could be with you now and have this conversation face to face but a sudden event caused me to leave and go back to Pictora. Call me tomorrow in the evening and tell me about your day okay?
I'll see you this weekend... Or maybe Friday.
Lots of love,
I fold back the letter. "Don't worry dear. It'll all work out fine." Dominique assures me. "I know... But it just feels different". "Okay. Yes it's different. But this is a new life! You being magical and all that. So Change everything to suit this life, and you'll be fine. New school, new life and new you". I look at her confused. "I mean, don't change your attitude totally. Just your approach to this new way of living. And maybe your appearance". That is actually some good advice. Really good advice. Thanks Aaron and Dominique. "What can I do about my appearance?" I ask. "Hmm". Dominique ponders.
"Aha! I have just the thing". She disappears into her bedroom and comes back with two tubes. "These two are permanent streakers. I had only purple and blue". "Those are my favorite colours!" I squeal. "Fantastic. Now tomorrow morning, wash your hair and streak away! Then stand in front of the mirror and get prepared for the new you". I give her a hug and go back to sleep. I don't toss or turn even once.
The next morning, I automatically get up half an hour early. My bath would be longer than usual today. I wash my hair thoroughly and say goodbye to my fully blonde hair. I quickly pull on a pair of light blue denim shorts with frayed edges and a grey t-shirt with a whale on it.
I stand in front of the mirror and read the instructions for the streakers.
"Apply paste on desired locks of hair. Dry for five minutes. Wash to reveal true colours. If one wishes, add a little soap to make hair glow in the dark. WARNING: permanent colour and glowing effect".
Oh yeah.
I apply both the pastes, merging the two to make it look cooler. Once I have finished everything I close my eyes. Was I sure about this? I combed my hair with my eyes shut as well. I decided to take two locks and tie it at the back and let the rest free. Finally when I'm done, I open my eyes. I can't believe it. My hair looks EPIC! I love it so much. I squeal in delight and instantly regret it since the others were still asleep. I run out of the room and show Dominique. "Whoa! I love the look Zeffy!" I hug her again. I don't go back into the room. My school bag is out already: a white bag that I had doodled all over. It looked epic. "Are we allowed to take our phones?" I ask. Dominique nods. "If you have a laptop, then take that too". I quickly out in my MacBook Air and my phone. "Where's my iPad?" Robert asks, emerging from the room. I shrug. "Found it!" He exclaims, pulling it out from beneath the cushions on the sofa. "Oh MY GOD!" Robert says, properly looking at me. "Your hair looks epic!"
"When did you do it?"
"This morning".
"So that's why you were up early".
I nod. Michaela comes out of the room and screams. "ZEPHYR GOODWIN!"
I get startled and look up from my plate of waffles. "I AM GOING TO CUT OFF ALL YOUR SEXY HAIR AND PUT IT ON MINE". She runs over to me and examines me closesly. "I have come to the conclusion that I love your hair more than I love Robert".
"I heard that!" Robert says from the couch with his mouth full of waffles.
"Oh shut up".
After Michaela moves off, I see Yasha standing at the doorway with his mouth hanging open. "Your hair is beautiful", he says.
I quickly blush and say thanks.
We finish eating our food quickly. Robert pulls out his car keys. "Let's go people! We don't want to be late for our first day at school!"
I didn't have to be told twice.

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