Yasha's POV 2

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"And when we go crashing down, we come back every time, we never go out of style, we never go out of style", the radio sang in the background. Urgh. It's almost 3 in the night/morning, and the stupid radio people couldn't find a better time to play Taylor Swift songs. But this one was okay, I guess. "Hello all you late night drivers! You're listening to '2 Hours to Dawn' with your host Robbie McKay! So tonight, we have a very special guest with us, with some very special news! Please welcome to the show, Daughter of Marquez. Inc clothing company owner, Eden Marquez's, Marissa!" My head snapped to attention. "Now Marissa, tell us what brings you here? At this hour?" "Firstly, I want to start off by saying thank you so much Robbie, for hosting me! It's such a great opputurnity!" "Any time, Marissa, any time" she laughs. "Okay now, cut to the chase will you? I'm sure all of the listeners are dying to hear what you have to say!" "Okay, Robbie I will. So as most as of you are aware, I study at the best boarding school in country, Silver Creek. And, as you should also know, we have dances for almost every occasion, last night, we had our Valentine's Day dance." "Ooh, may I interrupt and ask who the lucky boy was?" Marissa giggles. "Actually, this whole relationship thing that's going on with me is new, and we don't want to rush anything. But I don't thing a name could hurt. His name is Maxwell. Max for short". Hmm. The name sounds familiar. I think he is in the soccer team. "Okay, now back to the story. So what happened?" Robbie asks. "Well, unfortunately, the ball was cut short. We had an...event that stopped it". "Tell me more"he urges. "Well it involved a gunman, shootings and a chase". That idiot. Why would she talk about all this now? "Details!" Robbie demanded. Oh no she wouldn't. "Basically, during the ball, there were some gun shots and 3 students ran out with guns and chased the gunman down. Hopefully". "What do you mean, 'hopefully'?" Robbie prodded. "The 3 students along with another girl, disappeared after the encounter. Nobody knows where they went. We're so worried for them" she says. "Yeah right" I mutter to myself. "Well, you four, if you're listening, we hope you're fine". Robbie says. "Thank you so much for joining me tonight, Marissa! Great pleasure. Coming up next, we have Sugar by Maroon 5 and Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor. Stay tuned to, 2 hours to dawn!" Adam Levine's voice continued to sing in the background. But even though I loved the band, I wasn't paying attention. Marissa wouldn't randomly volunteer to talk about the incident. She couldn't be that evil. Or could she? Who forced her to do it? Why? Whatever the reason was, this was bad news. We had to stay out of sight. People were out on the streets looking for us. I already warned my mother about visitors. To tell them we aren't here, and act worried. She would do it well. My father was probably at Pictora himself. They surely would have been told about the incident. Duh. It's Pictora. If Katy Perry bought a latè, they knew.
After what seemed for ages, I reached Pictora. The flying car parking lot was empty, except for a Ford Angela and a run down yellow Beatle. Papa. I hurriedly walked through the lanes and into the castle. "Identification?" The guard asked. I gave him my ID card. "You may go in", she says. I smile and push through the gates. "Yasha my man!" A voice booms. I spin around to see Ethan, my friend and stunt master. "Oi Ethan it's great to see you too. Where you been at?" I ask, fist bumping him. "Nothing much, my fiancée and I are planning our wedding". "Oh... How is Natalia? Her magic course going well?" "Yeah, she's enrolled herself in a Beast training course as well as a Spell battle one. She's planning on becoming a field operative". I smile. I always wanted to be beast fighter when I was younger. Now I was just undercover. "I heard you've got a conquest of your own...?" He prods. I laugh. "It's all an act. Her name's Zephyr. School friend". I feel something break open within me, and I feel overcome with despair. Why was this happening? What was going on? "Is she pretty?" Ethan wants to know. I pull out my phone and go to the gallery. "Here", I say, showing him a picture taken at the ball. "Damn she's hot. And that's Michelle?" "Michaela" I correct him. "Robert's never been this happy. I'm so happy for him". He laughs. "But she's non magical?" I nod. "That's a shame... But I hear yours is quite powerful...?" I shrug. "Firstly, she's not mine. I told you we are friends", that despair washes over me again, "and second, yeah. Even Aaron says she's strong. That's saying something". Ethan frowns. "What?" I demand. "It's just a shame that you don't have a girl friend... Then all three of us could do a triple date or something. I wish you'd go out with her or something". Me too, I say to myself. "Okay. I gotta rush man. She'll be waiting for me!" He says. "Bye Ethan", I say. I was fine with being single. In Fact, I loved it. But now with her in my life, it's so painful. Why'd you do this to me Zephyr, why?
"So, I guess you heard about the attack", I say, entering Aaron's office. "You guessed right", he says. "I am now sure it was the vampires". When Aaron says he's sure, it's always right. "How come?" I ask. "Well, first of all, they've been sending me pictures of Zephyr hanging out with you guys. Only vampires do that sort of thing. Remember the time when they did the same to that Lila girl?" I nod. He continues,"They want to know if she is magical or not. Because you two don't usually become too close to non-magical beings. And I also guess that they heard you were supposedly 'seeing each other'", he says, causing the sadness to fall all over me again. He seems to notice something is off so he pauses. "Secondly?" I ask, urging him to move on. "We matched the shell casings you took to the lab to a gun. A glock pistol. And it belongs to..." I hate it when people leave me hanging in suspense. And Aaron knows how much I hate it. I give him a look. "Well, the thing is, we don't know exactly who it belongs to. But we know it belongs to someone from a company, that is owned by a vampire". "Oh, which one is it?" He laughs. "I'm pretty sure you've never heard of it. It's sort of, for only the 'elite' people. Nobody else buys things from there". "I go to Silver Creek. The elite people go there too, so", I look up at him. "Try me". "Okay. The company is called..." He pulls out a sheet of paper from the drawer. "Ah! Here it is... It's called Market.Inc". "Wait a minute...", I say taking the paper from his hands. It can't be a coincidence. "Not Market, Marquez". I say. "Oh, I see. My eye sight really is deteriorating" Aaron says. "Aaron, the daughter of the owner of this company, studies at Silver Creek". He stops complaining about old age. "What?" I nod. "Her name is Marissa. Her father's name is Eden. Or something". Aaron pulls out his phone and dials a number. "Hello? Bettsy? Yeah, I know, I'm sorry it's late, but it's urgent. I need you to fax over all the information you can get about Eden Marquez. Both magic related and non magic related. He's a vampire... So also all the missing persons reports and kidnappings, even murders, related to him. Thanks." He shuts his phone off and chucks it on the table. Aaron puts his hands on his head and starts pacing. "That's how they knew. Marissa must have told her dad that there was a new girl hanging out with you guys. And that you two were dating. And he must have figured that she was magical. Our army is strong enough without her. He must want to kill her, to weaken our army in any little way". He pauses. "Yasha, Zephyr is my daughter, and you are like a brother to me. Tell me, truly, are you two actually seeing each other?" I shake my head. "Good. I mean, bad, but for our army, good. They would either take her or you out of the way to make the other one depressed, and out of form. You two are one of our strongest forces.... Without you guys, we are nothing". "What?" I ask. He had never told me anything about that. "What do you mean tha-" I was interrupted by the sound of Aaron's printer printing out the articles on Eden. "Yasha, you may go now. I'll talk to you, well, later. Bye" he says and shuts the door behind me. "I told you, I hate suspense!" I yell through the door. I could almost see him smile through the door.
I step outside Pictora. The sun is almost out now, I can see the little Rays peeking out of the clouds, signalling the stars to disappear. I remember one night, Robert and I couldn't sleep, so we climbed the school building and sat on the terrace. I was going to miss being in school. Truly. All the people, teachers even, food, campus, everything. Just before I got into the car, a voice called behind me. "Hey!" I turn around. A dark figure approaches. "Who are you?" He comes closer. I ready myself. It was Pictora. I could use magic, no need of a gun. But before I could do anything, somebody grabs me from behind, and I get a vaguely sweet smell. Chloroform. And before I knew it, it was lights out.

Hey guys! Another little romance chapter. Hope you all don't mind me deleting all the flash forwards... It just seemed so confusing. And I had no idea where it would lead. Short update I know, but I enjoyed writing it. I love Yasha, I really do. Actually, I just like his name. But he's still awesome XP. So, yes, the truth is out. Yasha has a crush on Zephyr. Bet you never saw that coming! *voice drips with sarcasm*. Okay, Ima go watch OUAT now. Episode 14! Can't wait.... :). I <3 you readers so much. Just kidding, I don't *evil laugh*. #truedat

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