Chapter 16

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Wait. Was that Marissa? Shouting at Zephyr? I walked up to her. "Back off her, you b***h", I said angrily. "Oh god!" Marissa said. "Not good", I heard Michaela whisper. Yes. She put it perfectly. Principals always had some skill for bad timing.
I swear to god I think my eardrums are going to burst any moment. Our principal was super loud, and even though I tried to block it out, it etched it's way into my brain. But I didn't care. I had done the right thing, after a long time and it felt good. Amazingly good. I glanced up and saw Zephyr just standing there in the corner by the door. I looked back down, but not before Zephyr and I made eye contact for a brief millisecond. I smiled. Why, I have no clue.
"Hey!" I heard Zephyr call after me. I spun around. I was clueless as to what to say. How to sound like a nice, sweet kid. So I went for my usual bad ass talk. "Ooh... So you're talking to me now? I thought I was a cool kid or something?" I stopped. Why was I putting so much thought into talking to her? "Uh, yeah about that... I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that and I felt kinda weird and..." She sighed. "If there is nothing I can do to make it up to you, just let me know okay?" "I'll think about it", I said, cooly. We just stood there for a while. Someone broke the silence by calling her on the phone. She spoke to them for a brief thirty seconds. "Again, if there is anything I can do for you, just let me know", she said, before leaving. I nodded. As she turned and walked away, I felt something happen to me. I felt dizzy and like I was going to pass out. I guess that in all that confusion I just said whatever was in my mind. "How about dinner?"
"Oh, my god! Someone looks fab!" Robert said to me. "Shut up" I said. "No seriously, dude, she's gonna be falling for you like an avalanche", he said, popping a grape in his mouth. "Like an avalanche?" I asked. "Seriously, who teaches you English?" I said chucking a pillow at him. "And I don't want her falling for me, by the way", I said blankly. "Oh so, that's why you asked her to dinner, dressed up so nicely and sent her a dress?" He said teasingly. "To ensure she doesn't fall for you?" I ignored him and continue to comb my hair. But he had a point. Why was I doing all this? It simply puzzled me. But I couldn't leave the conversation like that. "I just did it so we could take her to Aaron easily. Instead of like you know, scaring her", I said. I turned around. "Dude, you look so good, I'm turning gay", he said changing the topic. "Oh please," I retorted. " and besides, I know you have had your eye on her best friend Michaela, from the soccer team,for a while". He stared at me. "What?" I smiled. "You've been dressing up nicely for 5 6 weeks now! It's hard not to notice!" He got up and took me by my shirt. "If anyone finds about this..." He threatened. "Okay! Okay! Relax. My lips are sealed", I surrendered. "Good", he said, popping another grape in his mouth. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed. "That's why you gave up eating chicken nuggets and fries! To watch your waistline!" He charged at me. We rolled on the floor and stopped after a few minutes. Then we got up and burst out laughing. "You're the worst secret keeper ever", he said, wiping a tear from his eye. "Just you wait", I said walking towards the door. "No body will find out! Until you want them to, my mouth is shut!" "Bet on it" he said, challengingly. "You got it!" I said, before shutting the door.
Dinner was going well. Like almost as if we were on a date. What the hell was wrong with me though? I had never felt like this before. She was just an ordinary girl, before Aaron told me about her. Now, she was... Different. And it confused me.
Now, Yasha steady, I told myself. This was the hard part. The one that made this evening... Not so nice. But the main reason behind it. Sort of. Here goes nothing:
"Ummmm... If you don't mind, can I ask you about your parents?" I asked. I immediately sensed her become uncomfortable. The color drained from her face. "I'd prefer not to talk about it" she said, spooning into the cheesecake. Oh god. This was bad. I had to go on, though. After a few minutes, I spoke again. "Were you hurt?" I prodded. "In the fire? Do you have any scars or wounds?" She looked up at me. "Why do you want to talk about this? Why do you even-" she stopped. "Wait a minute. Nobody knows how my parents died. Not even me. How do you know, when I barely even know you?" Uh-oh. Shoot. I was screwed. Aaron was supposed to tell her that. I was supposed to talk to her about MAGIC, not personal stuff. That was meant for the experts. And I messed up. Big time. "Tell me!" She yelled. I said nothing, but my brains were bursting. Why the hell didn't she drink her ginger ale? I had drugged it, hoping she would drink it fast, so I could take her to Mauritius. And beat the air traffic. "You are a jerk you know that?" She hissed at me. But thankfully, before she stormed off, she gulped down the ginger ale. Phew!
"How did your date go?" Robert asked me in the car. I said nothing. We dumped Zephyr in the back. "So?" He asked again. "What?" I snapped. "How was your date?" He asked again, looking slightly taken aback. "Fine", I said. But even I could tell, if wasn't. "Okay!" He said. "If you say so". He started the car. We were silent for around 15 minutes. I was trying so hard not to let my emotions get the best of me. "Yash", Robert said. "I know how you feel", he continued. "How can you possibly know how I feel?" I asked, a bit more harshly than I intended to. "I feel like a f**king reject. You know how that feels? All I could think off was her, and she called me a jerk. You know how that feels? I was so nice to her, and I had such high hopes for me, but no, I'm a cool kid and she is much better off without me. I feel like I've been used! You know how that feels?" "Of course I know how that feels!" He yelled. "To feel like a reject, to be called a jerk by your true love, to see all your dreams become fantasies and to be used! I know I've gotten over her, but don't you dare for a moment even think that getting over Marissa was easy. Don't you dare!" We were silent for a while. I have no clue what was going on his head. But all I could think of was the time when they broke up. I remember it as clear as daylight:
Robert walking in on Marissa and Justin, the huge argument they had, him waking up in the middle of the night, crying, talking in his sleep, the fight between him and Justin. Everything. And immediately, I felt bad for everything that I said. "I'm so sorry, dude" I said. "Yeah me too", he said. "I don't know what just happened, i just snapped", I said, the tears now streaming down my face. "Hey! It's okay!" Robert said. I could see his eyes welling up too. This was the first fights we had had in a long time and I bought I was going to loose him. Forever. I wiped my eyes. "I told you you're more emotional than me", he smirked. "D**khead" I muttered. "Coffee?" He asked. I nodded. If this was what love was, I don't want it.
Hey! How was chapter 16? I know it's super long and stuff so it's a compensation for all the short updates. And how can I forget to mention full of romance? Not really my forte... 😳Let me know in the comments what you thought of Yasha's POV. And what are your thoughts on the fight between Yasha and Robert? Till next time, Comment and vote! Byeeee 😘

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