The real Chapter 23

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"Aaaah!" Michaela screams, clutching her abdomen as she rolled on the ground. "Be strong", I tell myself. Then the tears start coming. Robert shoots back a blast of ice, freezing Misthavens' body. Then he flinches, as he looks at his own hand, that has also gotten a taste of radiation. Yasha picks up Michaela who has curled up into a ball. "We need to get her to the Magical Mullberry Hospital. Now!".
The wait is long. Very long. Michaela is rushed into a room, for what I do not know. I do not want to know. I am also in no mood to think about the school's reaction. Some idiot told everybody it was an act, and nobody offered to help us. The three of us stand outside at the reception, waiting for good news. Hoping. The tears are all dried up now, but that doesn't mean they won't come again. The drop of Koala starts to play. My phone. I pull it out to decline the call and switch it off. But when I see who it is, I pick up without batting an eyelid.
. "Dad? Dad! Oh my god... Did you hear?"
"Yes, is she okay? I'll be there in three hours".
"Oh gosh, I don't know, I don't want to think about it".
"What exactly happened?"
I look over at Yasha.
"I am not in the mood right now. And I'm a little hazy on the details. I'll handover the phone to Yasha".
Yasha takes the phone and goes away, for some privacy.
"Mr. Sean?" The lady at the reception called.
We got up and walked towards her.
"The doctor will see you now. Your sister is in room 1972."
Robert frowned. "Girlfriend".
"Oops, sorry. You look alike", the nurse said, blushing. Robert smiled at her and she knew all was forgiven. We took the elevator to the 19th floor and then walked to the 72nd room. Michaela was lying there with her eyes barely open. She gave us a weak smile. "Hello, Mr. Sean and Mrs.?" The doctor says. "No, Ms. Goodwin" I say. "Your hand should be fine. Full recovery is expected". "What about her?" Robert asks. "We took a look. There is a chance of full recovery". Robert and I smile, worries all vaporised into thin air. "If she was a magical being". I gasp. "What do you mean?" Yasha asks. He seemed to have come in at the wrong time. "I mean that since we have a different body design, the treatment would have been effective. But since she is human..." He looks at Michaela, who knows what is coming and the emotion is shown on her face. "I am really sorry, but Ms. Whittes, you have got cancer".
Early update I know. But that's good. And do not think that I am casually throwing in cancer just because it is like the most common thing. And everybody is talking about it. I have seen a lot of people who have had cancer, and it's no joke. I also know that there are survivors. And Michaela is what I would call a survivor. So this chapter is dedicated to all the people everywhere who have cancer, who know somebody who has cancer. It's a serious issue and we need to help deal with it. I am not using it as stereotype. Please do not think of it that way. Update soon XXX

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