📷That Wasn't So Hard📷

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You seem so mature

Lol I get that a lot

I can't wait to meet you sweetheart!
Remember to not tell your parents
I don't want to get in trouble ;)

Of course! They'll never understand us.

Glad you understand! Pick u up at 7!!
Read at 6:00pm

End Of Chat

"Well chat.... WE GOT EM!!" I shout to the monitor on my left. Boy oh boy does it feel good to finally get this prick out from my side. He's been talking to me, non-stop. Blowing up my phone every.single.day. Without a break.

My chat seems to yell back at me.

The silence is stolen by the text-to-speach voice announcing a message. "User WhiteTailBeer has donated 50 dollars: When will it be time for the quick change? It is my favorite part of your streams."

"Hey White! Thanks for the 50! Right now actually. Let's bring out the clothes." I say to the screen, giving the chat a small wink.

I leave to go do what I like to call "The quick change". It's where I get in my 'stalker clothes' , and show chat the new gadget I had made specifically for the pedophile I'm currently hunting.

I run towards the small side room next to my set up, filled to the brim with all of my clothes and menacing tools.

Once I do a full run through of my outfit another message plays. "User KeyedTampa has donated 25 dollars: Is this a chat chose stream day?"

"Yup! Actually let me set that up for you guys really quick". I type a quick command into my computer- once pressing enter, a small poll pops up on screen. It displays the top three most requested outcomes from last stream. 1 being-call the cops. 2 being-get people from the street to beat him up. 3 being-kill him. 4 being-kidnap him and starve him in the middle room.

Without another word, the chat started to type into chat their answers. A few seconds later a message pops up into my phone, telling me the results.

" Alright! The results is an easy one! Number three! Killing him! Pretty simple. Let me grab you guys and I'll go get my axe". The chat once again erupts with joy, taking in the fact that their blood lust will now be subsided soon.

Timeskip- You headed out of the house and followed google Maps to the guys address.

"Nice chat! I think we're here! Should I just kick down the door or what?" I take a look at chat. I came to the conclusion that the chat wanted me to play along a little. I suppose that means that they want me to answer as Marie. The girl name I choose for myself when talking to this guy.

I put the camera that chat could see through onto the strap on my chest. "Alright, ready kids?" I ask the chat, assuming they said yes, I knock on the door 3 times, gently. Before the creep on the other side of the door can answer, I take off my mask, making sure that chat couldn't see my face.

A man in his 40s answers. He's around 5'7. Yup. I can kill him. Not that height is a limiting factor for me, it just gets more messy when the guys are tall.

"Howdy, Marie! It's nice to see you! What's uh... with the uh.. camera?" Mason asks me, with a uncertain grin on his face. "Oh it's just my new fanny pack! It looks just like a camera!", " Oh okay!" Mason says as he peels himself away from the door. Inviting me in.

I walk in and start to move my hands up and down his chest. "Woah! Hey um, are you sure you're 14?", "Yeah! Why?", " I was just checking, after all no 14 year old has gotten me so turned on before. Not as much as you, my sweetheart!" Mason shouts as he grabs my chin with his right hand. I take note that it smells like piss and cum. Grooooosssssss.

I couldn't take the smell anymore. I take out my axe that was strapped behind my back the whole time, and swing at his head. Pop.I close my eyes and take another swing- now noticing that the axe finally went all the way through this time, meaning I had just cut this guys hairline into even worse condition than it was before. Great!

"Whew, k chat. That was Mason Magneton. Address 539 Woolwich drive. 46 years old. White male. In the state of Maine. I don't think we need to clean it up, I'm sure the police will, or maybe if one of you guys are in the area you could do it. You don't have to though, of course! It's better to be safe than caught, ya' know?"

And with that, he's gone. All thanks to me. Is it selfish to self indulge myself into my intrusive thoughts like this? Maybe, but who cares. I'm doing someone good in the long run. Like some grim reaper that comes for you before you can do something bad.

I see it as a self justice thing. The pedophiles torture the people, I torture the pedophiles! That's just the life cycle. My chat feels the same way. They're too scared to do something reckless, so they watch me do it for them!

??? 'S POV:

Wow! They have some serious guts! To just leave a crime scene like that? I wish I was as brave as them. We're like totally opposites! Yet we're also so similar. I wonder if they have any friends like them.

If they did, did they seem to complete them like I could? If they didn't, would they consider ME as a potential friend.

They live in the same state as me as well! This is all too perfect! I'm shaking just thinking about us hanging out together!

I hastily click the donation button, and type in my message and wait for it to play out loud for them to hear.


"User Anonymous donated 30 dollars: Do you have friends that are also serial killers? Just like you?" I almost fall out of my bed when hearing the robotic voice read my message out. I hope they answer.

"Hey Anon! Thanks for the 30! And no... sadly no one knows. In fact I don't even have friends to be honest, Hahaha! Thanks for asking!"

No friends? That HAS to change. I was right though. We are similar in many ways. We're both cold blooded killers, interesting, and have no friends!

The last bit is a sad reality. The people I live with HATE ME! I don't like them either but, I'm a nice guy, why haven't they tried to be my friend yet? I guess it's because of my hunger problems.

I get so lonely in my room. I just in here all alone all day and wait until I'm fed or made to treat wounds. It wouldn't bother the operator to much if I bring home a friend for myself!

I wouldn't dare eat them! They seem so nice, I just want to hang out and show them all of my cool things so they like me and want to be my friend.

I'm sure they won't mind a little vacation. Hehehehehe.

Word count: 1,231

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