-[Name] Information Page-

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Name: [Name], Last name unknown.

Age: Unknown, however they have gone to college and majored in both *insert major here*, and nursing

Occupation: Streamer on the dark web, gets large amount of donations

Race: Unknown/German Descent

Gender: Unknown

Some favorite things: Cookie dough flavored things, the wilderness, animals, books, lighters

Scent: An array of dessert scented candles, chocolate chips

Least favorite things: Pedophiles, people with no purpose, elk, hail, sand

Place of birth: Germany (can speak fluent German, can read and write in perfect fluent English, has trouble speaking in English. Has a 'strong' German accent. Is studying English.)

Family: No known family, however they have talked about being and older sibling before on a live stream.

Friends: No known friends. Considers some animals their 'friends'

•[Name] is slightly radioactive, they can glow in the dark of they're shaken hard enough. This is due to them eating something they weren't supposed to
•[Name] makes most of their weapons and gadgets themselves. They get the material from junk yards.
•[Name] prefers cold showers, it 'makes them feel like a plant'
•[Name] is naturally built for any climate, and weather. Meaning they would be fine if they slept on the wilderness floor for a whole 10 years. (They once did this for a dare)
•[Name] likes to mess with their victims, unless they peeved them off so much that they just HAVE to get rid of them right then and there
•[Name] doesn't have friends because they don't talk to the people in their town. However, people have reported [Name] helping around local farms/businesses
•[Name] is oddly strong, so much so it's scary
•[Name] mask looks something pretty similars to E.Js but instead of circles for the eyes, it's just two long lines. (You can make the mask however you want, this is just a headcannon)
•[Name] is noted to wear comfy clothing while shopping on the weekends
•The only reason the town's people haven't realized that [Name] is the famous pedo killer is because they kill outside of their town
•Some local children find [Name] creepy, while other children find them helpful because, [Name] frequently helps them with school work/Homework
•Sometimes [Name] gets fan mail from fans and opens it on stream. One time there was a bomb inside, but [Name] just swallowed it and it malfunctioned in their stomach
•[Name] viewers are an arrange of age and gender, they have once gotten mail from a victim of a pedo they killed and cried on stream
•Along with mail, [Name] gets sent large amounts of money, and stuffed animals. This is sometimes trivial because one viewer had sent them a stuffed bear they had.... did something on
•[Name] tries to reframe from using vulgar language/sexual language. However, if they find it to be funny in the moment, they will not hold back
•[Name] is a legit billionaire, but still steals, they send most of their money to victims


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