🪱Check Up🪱

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(If any of you get worried about my story, and try to say something like- 'you forgot to put words in this one'. I know. I wanted to test my writing skills- to do that I'm putting no words, only actions!)

Your POV

What's wrong with me? Am I sick or something?

I can't hear for shit, my vocal cords are cut off, and I can nearly see. Oh wait- that's just eye crud in my eye. I can see perfectly! Great- a promotion!

Is this the universe giving me a break from working, or is this the operator's doing?

Seeing as I have no organs that can fail like this- it's a crappy prank.

When I go down there- so help me arceus.

Now that I think about it- what am I supposed to do today? I have the decorations, and present picked out. Soooo, what now? Cause havoc?

Maybe, I'll push a cop down the stairs, or put a dead caterpillar in a landlords coffee.


The streets are bustling with a lot of people today. Why is everything so loud? I thought my hearing was fuzzy? So, what's with the sudden buzz?

I was cut off by the sound of crinkling paper under my foot. 'Apple Pumpkin Festival'? What an odd combo. Especially odd that people would even come out celebrate it.

I don't care what day it is. All I care about is them shutting up. It's too loud, and I can't even complain about it.

I feel a warm figure grab my shoulder and spin me around.

The older gentleman is trying to talk to me, but it falls onto deaf ears. Almost. Ever time he talks, there's a loud 'beeb' in my ears. I can't tell what he's doing, but it definitely caught the attention of more people. They all start to swarm me.

They're all trying to grab me, and take pictures. Why do they have to have the flash on!

I really don't want to be here! I don't even remember why I came out today. I just want to go home. This is all too much. I can't- I just can't-

I feel bad for scaring those probably innocent people, but I had to leave. Fast. I'll remind myself latter to send them some 'sorry' letters. It's not normal for someone to just teleport once hitting a pile of leaves, is it?

Even though I'm home now- I still feel overwhelmed, and bothered.

At least I'm overwhelmed and bothered in a pile of leaves- and not being touched by strangers.


I feel a soft tapping on my head- BEN?

What's BEN doing all the way out here?

BEN picks me up by my arm and hands me some grapes in a plastic sandwich bag. I can tell that they're fresh because there's tiny water droplets on them. Probably from BEN washing them off before putting them in the bag.

They're a small snack, but I eat them anyway. Grapes are a very big comfort for me. I guess I used to eat them all lot as a human. That's why I eat them on streams. It makes me feel more connected to my audience if I feel more human- than I am.

I still can't hear, but I believe the buzzing noise is gone. It did the trick. I feel as though I have just woken up from a deep sleep.

Which weird to think about, seeing as I don't sleep anymore.

I want to say thank you- but I can't. I think BEN knows I'm grateful though, maybe it's the huge smile on my face.

I lead BEN back home, and head to bed. I think it'll be nice to tell Jack about all of the crazy things I've done today!

Thanks BEN. I make it up to you later. I should ask them to help kidnap that guys dog with me. That'll be fun!

It's nice to know that they care.

Word count: 666

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