📼Break Day📼

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I rub my soft eyelids. I slept for a good solid 16 hours. What a record! Right after I axed that guy to death I took a long shower and practically launched myself into my bed.


Yuck.. I hate the sound of my own bones popping into place. I had forgotten to do it the night before so my arm was a little stiff. It had popped out of its socket from that guy shoving me into a wall before I could attack him. I didn't even realize he had pushed me, I barely even felt it. Must of been the adrenaline.

"Another break day! Yippee!"

I hop out of bed and into the shower! I wasn't dirty or anything, I just like to feel fresh! Plus, the sensation of water dripping onto my skin, and in return my skin drinking it up feels amazing! It makes me feel more connected to my 'roots' when I do. Hehehe.


I don't bother using a towel and walk straight into my room to get dressed. I put on some warm and comfortable clothes, along with my trusty steel toed 'work boots'. I know today is a break day for me buuuuuut.... I still need to feed my little guys.

When I mean little guys, I mean my prisoners. I was currently in my trusty shed. At least that's what it looks like from the inside! When you open the doors to the shed you're greeted with a bunker. Once you open that sealed up bunker, you're greeted with the stairs that go straight towards my stream set up! From there you have my bedroom door on the right, as long with my bathroom and hallway.

In the hallway there lie my little guys. Speaking of which, I grab 6 hot pocket boxes. I fill 6 plates, each with their own box of now heated up hot pockets! I don't really know what humans eat. I saw one guy chow down a bunch of these in a supermarket once. So, I kinda just assume it's a well desired snack.

Don't worry, I payed for them! Mit gestohlenem Geld....

Hehehe, woops. Since it's kinda like a free day for me, I should study up on my english. Of course I'm very fluent in English, but only when it's in written form. Speaking in English is super hard, sometimes my chat even tells me that I got words wrong.

I love my chat! I know they're selfish, but so am I! They tell me their worries about life and I make them better! My chat members are very stressed individuals, I'm their outlet. I'm just greatful that people are rely on me to release them of stress.

I should get these little guys their meals before they get cold. After that, a good long study session. Maybe after that a nice walk in the woods will do me good!


Crunch..... Crunch..... Crunch.....

Hehe hehehe hehehe! I love the forest! It smells amazing, 24/7! Plus the animals are cuddly! Some.. animals. The deer here don't like me. Specifically the males. I've had a few charge at me once or twice back home, but here it almost feels like they're hunting me!!

Moving my feet up and down the cleared pathway, I notice something at the corner of my eye. Do I have a stalker maybe? Eh, I suppose that could happen! I mean I cover my face in all of my live streams with a simple mask, but it wouldn't be hard to find out who I am. I live in a small town in Maine, so if own of my viewers came down here and asked around a little, they would definitely find me fast.

The people here don't know me, but they do take good notice when a weirdo like me walks into town. The best way to describe the stalker would be stoic. They had a deep blue mask, and the rest of their outfit was pure black.

Oh, well it can't be that bad.

Turns out I was wrong. I feel a sharp pain itch itself across my brain, I didn't knock out though. I'm too tough for that! I look behind me to see my stalker with a big old branch in their arms. You know what? Why not play a little game?

What would happen if I pretended to pass out? Where would they take me? Curiosity surely killed this cat!

Closing my eyes shut, and making my body go limp did the trick. They picked me up and held me bridal style- what a gentleman, haha.

Surely my little guys back home know better than to just eat all of those hot pockets at once, and to savor them. I hope to arceus that they don't starve. I hate burying bodies. Don't get me wrong, I love dirt, I just hate having to touch such disgraces.

Oop- this person is extremely cold. However my body heat seemed to engulf them, making them bearable to touch finally. They also seemed to notice this, they let out a tiny squeal of delight! How cute! My kidnapper seems to have taken a liking to me! Hopefully, this means that they won't kill me!

I stiff up just a little when I suddenly hear a gruff voice say, "Well, look how lovely you are!" Holy shit, they're British! Welsh? I can't tell. Their voice is rough, maybe they're dehydrated? Bin ich verrückt? Yup. Not much of a surprise.

Wait...... this was supposed to be a break DAY. What will my viewers think? 'Maybe they died'..... 'Maybe they finally got swated'.

Oh well. This will only make my come back more noticeable!

This stranger must be strong, I can feel their muscles through the fabric of their shirt. Ew, Y/N you perv! I struggle to not laugh at the dry jab at myself.

Feeling confident that even if this person tried to kill me, I'll be able to kill them first, I nod off to sleep.

TRANSLATION: Mit gestohlenem Geld.... With stolen money. Bin ich verrückt?..... Am I crazy?

Word count: 1,029 (including the translation bit at the end)

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