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Humans desire embrace. It's part of their binary. But, I'm not human. So why did those sympathetic looks as my friends all pulled me into a hug- feel warm?

I am nothing but a cold shell of my former self. My body has changed from it's once perfect resemblance of a human. So why? Do they not truly know what I am? I'm dangerous! Evil! Greedy! I steal! And cheat at life!


Love is a cruel and manipulative. So why does it warm me? I always thought that people wouldn't love me as this shell. After all, people really liked the former me.

That version of me is gone. Lost in the minds of the old and wrinkled. My family- is long gone. I have out lived them. Yet, I remember them as if I could crawl back to them- telling them how my day was. Usually those thoughts make me sad.

But... now that I'm surrounded by such moving love- I can't afford to be sad. I take one last effort to be selfish, and indulge myself in their presence.

Some of my nerves have died off years ago- but I can feel the warmth. The warmth of all of my beloveds bodies. They radiate such a nice heat- that I forget about my tufted titmouse coat being soiled by rain.

I'm surrounded by the ones that love me. I'm surrounded by love. I've forgotten about it for so long. How? This feeling is mutual. My friends are basically clawing at me- and rushing out apologies. So am I.

I missed them. 'It was only a day', my head says. But, my heart is yelling, 'Yes! I've missed you!'.

How conflicted I feel- isn't important. I'm glad to be back!

Now, on to the more important things.

"Everyone! I would like to know a status report! If you all would tell me how your days went- along with yesterday's- please, do so now." I pull away- to further my business like attitude. I believe some see through it- but still oblige.

Everything went well for the most part. Toby- found multiple squirrels trying to hibernate. Though I could kinda guess that. Seeing as the morning grass is always covered in a nice cold, wet, and light coating of frost.

Winter is coming to Maine. We'll have to prepare. Though, I could just make them eat the vegetables that I grow for the woodland every winter and spring- some of our friends need large amounts of protein.

After all! I have some pretty big friends. One time- Jane tried to hug me without me prepared for it- and I 'folded like a lawn chair'. Some completely tower over me. Since I don't get hurt easily, they really just like to mess with me.

Pulling on my skin and nose to get my attention, moving my head around with their hands, squishing my face, messing with my mask, or really any 'invasive' touching. I don't mind it, but sometimes it can get out of hand.

Like how me and Jack broke my mattress by rough housing, how Tim rose me above his head and playfully flopped me onto his knee, and how about the time when BEN threw a USB at my ear and I didn't notice it went into my ear. We all have fun doing that stuff though!

I love when me and Jack mess around! I love it when Tim picks me up! I even loved it when BEN jokingly shows me stuff on his computer! I love all of my 'small' interactions with them.

I couldn't imagine why I chose to live alone for so long! Maybe it's because of my mind. My body and mind are the same, even after all of these years. My friends, have a similar situation. Tim is 30, but should be 50 by now. Jack is 23, but should be 32. So on and so forth. They've stopped ageing. But how?

Surely not because of me. I became a spirit a long time ago! This must be the operators doing. That- now wait! [Name]! Remember your karma!

Now- back to present problems. My brain- I swear.

How do I provide food for my li- friends? Do they like hot pockets? I shouldn't really go shopping, I've killed in this town before. OH! RIGHT! STEALING! Perfekt. MWAHAHAHA!

What type of meat would they like? I'm up for really anything- seeing as I'm not going to be eating it. I don't have the 'stomach for it' haha. Organ joke!

I must be in a good mode. Maybe it's the promising feeling of finally being able to steal again!

Some would say that it's freeing- I say it's a great way to get things without spending 500 dollars!

I could actually do that. I have the money. But, I like to treat them in different ways. Like the time I bought Brian and Tim 2 spereate trucks. Why did I do that, you may ask.

Simple. So I could spend time with both separately! I know they both value my time and attention. So I'm giving it to them for being such good friends!

Hanging out around them makes me feel normal again. This is what a 20ish year old should be feeling.

Translation: Perfekt... Perfect (pretty simple right?)
Word count: 938
Author note: my language arts teacher is making us research poets. I chose one I didn't know- his name is 'Allen Poe'. I don't know much, but his work is pretty great so I implemented his style to this chapter. Just for fun! Enjoy!

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