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"SO YOU'RE TELLING ME that you think you're developing a new power?"

"I mean, that's what it looks to me and Sloane."

After Fei had caught on to Sloane's vague comments, she immediately pulled you aside and demanded to know what was going on. She told you that if their youngest sibling was going through something, they should be dealing with it as a family, not hiding it until the problem goes away or keeping it from everyone else.

"Fei," you whined, "I'm not even the youngest. We were literally all born at the same time. That's our thing. And I'm not hiding my problem. I was gonna tell everyone eventually. I just wanted to wait until after we handled the Umbrella Academy. That's our number one right now." She just sighed and grabbed your hand and Sloane's.

"The team is important, more than our battles. If you don't want to tell everyone now, at least tell me what's wrong," Fei pushed. She was now walking towards your room, dragging you and Sloane with her. "It would only be a matter of time until I found out. I quite literally have eyes and ears everywhere. A little difficult to keep things from me. It can't be that bad, right?"

Now, you're sitting on your bed in between Sloane and Fei as you retell the story of what happened with the first sneeze. The disappearance of Abe, and more importantly the death of your baby's breath. Sloane helps describe what happened during the second sneeze.

"My vision was blacked out again, but this time Sloane was next to me and she experienced the new stuff," you explained, urging Sloane to speak.

She began by describing how you looked. "Yeah, her eyes went completely black, and her skin got really cold. Like, colder than snow. It felt like I could get freezer burn from it. Then the room got cold too."

"So her powers are ice related? Temperature maybe?" Fei questioned.

"Not exactly," Sloane continued. "The cold was more like a side affect from the actual powers. It stayed cold for a bit, but then something else weird happened. The shadows in this room started," she paused, searching for the right word, "shifting. Moving, changing. They looked hazy, and they were all pointing towards (Y/N)."

Fei shifted her body to face you more. "And how did you stop it?" She asked.

"Well, as stupid as it sounds, I just thought of warm things. Like happy thoughts to help me fly. Everything went back to normal. No more cold, no more weird shadows, I even felt a little warmer when I could see again."

THE SHADOW ASPECT ━ FIVE HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now