Chapter Two

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Cale Roberts reclined back on the leather couch, adjusting his earbuds and closing his eyes. The show would start in less than an hour and he was exhausted. They had flown in on the red-eye after back-to-back concerts over the last week and a half. He was looking forward to having some time off and planned to stay in Texas to catch up with family and friends.

His parents had to come to him for the last couple of big holidays or else they wouldn't have been able to see one another. It was those times he wished the band could go back to a cramped bus and small-venue gigs. He missed normalcy. Ransom was born for the spotlight, but he preferred being behind the scenes. Not a good characteristic for a rock star.

Guns N' Roses pounded in his ears. He instantly thought of Madison. He wondered how much she had changed. If any. He had always thought she was beautiful, even as a gangly seven-year-old.

In middle school, he had felt the first pangs of jealousy when she got her first real boyfriend. By high school, he had accepted they would never be more than friends and started dating himself. It didn't stop him from wanting her.

And then there was that kiss. Damn. He had waited so long to try again and secretly hoped it would suck so he could finally forget about the one girl he could never have. She had him firmly planted on the friend shelf.

Finding themselves under the mistletoe opened the door for the perfect opportunity. She had giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement when he pointed up. It didn't hurt that she had had a few drinks already. Her pale blue eyes had widened when he leaned in for the kiss. He had paused just a breath from her lips to be sure she was okay with it, but closed the distance when she whispered, "Do it."

His body hardened just thinking about the feel of her full lips and the curve of her hips as he ran his hands down her sides. It was cut too short, but had lasted long enough to permanently scar him. Women had been at a disadvantage before that moment; now they didn't stand a chance.

Cale quickly stood up, going to the mini fridge to grab a beer. He could easily pick a chick for a quick lay, but it felt wrong knowing he would see Madison later. He had been spared from drug addictions like Ransom and Dawg, but had found solitude in unhealthy situations just the same. Primarily women. It was like the more women he screwed, he upped his chances of finding the one that would make him forget her.

He barely heard the knock over the music and turned at the same time Ransom walked in. They had met in LA right after he moved there. They started out playing with a couple of house bands, but after meeting Dawg and Shane decided to branch out on their own. Ransom was like his brother.

"You about ready?"

Cale spread his arms. "Always am."

Ransom shook his head. "Nah, man. I mean about seeing your girl?"

Cale grabbed another beer, then tossed it to Ransom before sitting down on the couch again. "Shit—yes and no. I miss her, but I'm afraid it will just be weird now." He had told Ransom about the kiss and had talked about his feelings during more than one drunken night.

"Damn, dude. Why not just tell her how you feel?"

"She has a pretty serious boyfriend now. Anyway, what the hell do I have to offer her?"

Ransom took a pull from his beer then laughed. "Hell if I know, but plenty of panties keep dropping for you."

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